Friday, September 4, 2020
The Power of Togetherness Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement
Presentation Promoting sportswear may appear to be simple †insofar as game exists, there will consistently be popularity in the given specialty. In any case, Adidas was one of the principal organizations that chose to speak to the general crowd, hence, opening more open doors for the organizations creating sports clothes.Advertising We will compose a custom evaluation test on The Power of Togetherness: Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The given advance, be that as it may, likewise made the way for various difficulties, which Adidas battles productively in such plugs as the promotion of T Max 6 shoes. Depiction In their notice of T Max 6 shoes, Adidas furnishes a picture of a lobby with a scope of storage spaces, two sets of shoes, the red ones in the closer view and the white ones on the left and on the correct side of the red pair. Out yonder, a gathering of individuals can be seen. In the focal point of the ad, a sub title saying â€Å"Together we can†runs in what should help to remember a written by hand note. Examination Setting As it has been worried above, Adidas plainly puts the stake on both athletic entertainers and normal residents, which the notice shows in an extremely realistic way. From one perspective, the setting, with storage spaces and a long lobby, can unmistakably be characterized as an exercise center in any event. Accordingly, athletes are being tended to. In any case, the outlines of the individuals out of sight are ambiguous to the point that they could be for all intents and purposes anybody, from Dennis Rodman and Michael Jordan to any individual from the intended interest group. In this way, the watcher can undoubtedly envision himself among sport stars and, therefore, identify with the promotion and the item being referred to. Messages No issue how unclear the foundation may be, however, one can spot effectively not one, not two, yet at any rate three individual s strolling in an orderly fashion. An apparently minor detail from the start, on a hesitation, the given component of the business gives off an impression of being the most significant piece of the promotion, not just in light of the fact that it influences the crowd on a subconscious level, yet in addition since it requests to people’s need to be a piece of society, which the catchphrase in the subtitle emphasizes and, therefore, reinforces.Advertising Looking for evaluation on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For various reasons, individuals strolling in line are the sort of a clichã © that consistently renders the heartstrings of the crowd in the correct manner. Maybe, it is the feeling of being a piece of a solid group of individuals who mean business and realizing that there are dependable individuals prepared to help any of their individuals that influences the crowd. Anyway, the obscur ed picture of a group meaning genuine business happens to be probably the most grounded part of a commercial, which addresses people’s requirement for companions and backing. At the end of the day, the commercial basically shouts to the crowd, â€Å"If you wear our shoes, you will have solid and steady companions and be an individual from a team†; and, truly, not many individuals can oppose such an offer. Shading cast Finally, the decision of shading and its course of action in the ad should be referenced. It was shrewd of Adidas to utilize just a single forceful shading in the image; with the remainder of the hues restrained, crimson shoes in the frontal area say something of their owner’s constancy an achievement. Another unconventional part of the shading cast concerns the manner by which the palette was masterminded in the image. With one red shoe in the forefront and the second one out of sight, the ad offers the crowd inquisitive visual rhymes. The impress ion of evenness becomes considerably more grounded as the watcher sees two comparable white shoes on the left and right from the red one. At long last, the cunning utilization of light additionally fills its need, making the significant components noticeable and leaving the spots that the audience’s creative mind should work with in the shadow. Despite the fact that putting the item, i.e., the shoe, in the spotlight may appear to be dated, in the given business, it seems, by all accounts, to be very regular, perceiving how the business makes the crowd center around what hides in the shadows significantly more than on what is at the center of attention. Crowd One of the numerous significant insights concerning the way Adidas advances its items is that it never focuses on a particular crowd. Valid, sportswear is intended to be reasonable for the most part for the individuals who take up sports; in any case, Adidas was the first to stretch the limits and ask an inquiry for what good reason others couldn't wear lively clothes.Advertising We will compose a custom evaluation test on The Power of Togetherness: Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More therefore, in addition to the fact that Adidas appeals to a general crowd of no specific economic wellbeing, their age extending from five to ninety, yet in addition figures out how to make being energetic and trim popular. Synopsis Although at first, sportswear was intended for a specific arrangement of clients, i.e., the individuals who took up sports, Adidas made an advancement by speaking to each and every individual from the general public, in this manner, making taking up sports alluring to everybody. Such advancement of sports is particularly clear in the given notice, perceiving how it doesn't show athletes expressly, just dropping clues at a games setting. With a â€Å"Together We Can†catchphrase tossed into the frontal area, the organization of fers to people’s sentiment of solidarity and fellowship, in this way, making the premises for being bolstered by a group of fans rather than people, which makes the organization even more compelling. This appraisal on The Power of Togetherness: Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement was composed and put together by client Kane Mendoza to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essay - 4
PC Sciences and Information Technology - Essay Example They additionally elucidate how the finale of the Cold War blinded the nation to the need to handle these issues basically, and how China’s informative victories, modern matchless quality, and mechanical inclination cause America to think back the manners by which that used to be America at a certain point. They additionally explain how the loss of motion of America’s political structure and the whittling down of basic American standards made it unreasonable for the country to execute the strategies. These are strategies that the country critically requires. This is a volume that digs into the noteworthy issues affecting America (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p.3). The huge problems sketched out in the volume unfavorably go up against the American country, and consequently; light up on the need to teach the work power. This is critical in this age of quick globalization and extraordinary headways in data innovation. Moreover, there is likewise need to overcome the war on ari thmetic which has ceaselessly driven the nation’s uncontrolled cut on incomes and disregard the impact of shortages and the raising obligation trouble. The fighting on material science has additionally brought about the across the board rebuke of the real factors of the vitality plan and environmental change techniques. There is additionally the political impasse that is as a result of cash in political issues. Moreover, there is the nation’s inability to put resources into major logical examination. Moreover, this is a result of inability to deliver critical foundation and to execute and support sound enactment of the business sectors. This subsequently includes onto the difficulty of globalization (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p. 183). The significance of globalization is the unhindered development of people, things and administrations. This thought dispersed from the U.S. to different countries. The country delighted in enormous monetary progression. Be that as it may, the nation didn't cook for the effects of this globalization. With respect to globalization and mechanical headway, occupations and individuals’ vocations have been energized. This polarization has come about into annihilation of routine, center aptitude occupations holding high ability vocations just which request broad instruction and various low pay employments. These employments, nonetheless, can't be mechanized. In any case, the creators don't conceive the likely sensational headway of innovation in the moving toward decades (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p. 10). The two creators, in any case, significantly accept that the rejuvenation of American noticeable quality is reachable and conceivable. They clarify how, America’s account, when accurately grasped, gives a five-section system to thriving that will improve America to adapt viably to the current issues. They give lively profiles of people who have not lost expectation on the American propensities for chivalrous i dea and noteworthy activity. They suggest a clear way out of the pickle into which the American country has fallen. This procedure additionally involves the rediscovery of a portion of the nation’s essential standards and customs. Also, they cultivate the commencement of a novel, outsider upheaval to spike the country. This volume is both a sharp investigation of the American circumstance today and an invigorating project for American rejuvenation. The volume starts by differentiating a six-month task to fix two lifts at New Jersey train terminal with an eight months activity in China.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare the strategies and goals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movements Essay
Throughout the entire existence of the American social equality development, two original figures rise: that of the serene and peaceful Martin Luther King, Jr., and the progressive and radical Malcolm X. From these two differentiating pictures, America didn't have the foggiest idea how precisely to order the development. On one hand, Malcolm X lectured autonomy and a â€Å"by any methods necessary†way to deal with accomplishing uniformity in America. Furthermore, on the other, King lectured a peaceful, insubordinate way of thinking like that of Gandhi in the accomplishment of Indian freedom prior in the century. While most understudies know about King as a social liberties pioneer, most are similarly clueless about the effect of Malcolm X in the African-American battle for fairness and opportunity. And keeping in mind that there is a lot to gain from the two differentiating ways of thinking and ways to deal with change of each man, there are repeating themes that join them: t o be specific, a consolidated strictness with political authority that transformed into an interest for social and financial correspondence. Notwithstanding their disparities, King and Malcolm X spoke to a similar reason, and with the accomplishment of the development, left a comparable heritage to ages of Americans looking for change time permitting. Notwithstanding, from a relative point of view, one can't envision a social liberties development without the strategies King supported, or an effective development portrayed by the sort of brutality and scorn pushed by Malcolm X. At the point when one is solicited to think from a correlation between two other options and which of the options is â€Å"better†, one should envision which option would create the better result. A superior result in any battle for political change is one not described by across the board brutality. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s adolescence and youthful adulthood were exemplified by his work inside the framework, accomplishing flourishing through training and thinking, not through the rough battle for presence like on account of Malcolm X. In King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†discourse, he welcomes the audience to envision a future wherein Black kids have an equivalent open door at accomplishing thriving through training and hard word: a case of an equivalent possibility not accessible around then. Accomplishing this necessary peaceful methods steady with the standards King received through his time contemplating Gandhi and common defiance. Ruler approached ind ividuals to be insubordinate for the reason for racial equity, though Malcolm X approached individuals to be viciously forceful'†in restriction to any sort of portrayal of white power'†for the reason for Black force. Unlike King, Malcolm X’s message didn't pass on a message of uniformity, yet of contemptuous lashing out against an establishment with the ability to squash vicious restriction. Like Gandhi, King astutely perceived the viability of defying the framework as a methods for evolving it. Savagely assaulting the framework would just welcome brutal assaults back, and would, at long last, exacerbate the issue for Blacks. While Black militancy is reasonable given Malcolm X’s history and his impression of the issue besetting Blacks at that point, the better methods for accomplishing Black rights was through peacefulness: explicitly, blacklists, exhibits, and walks. Dr. Lord invited interest from all individuals, including whites and different minorities, not at all like Malcolm X. In recorded reflections on the social equality development, it took the two Blacks and whites (working inside the white force structure) to accomplish the ideal result. For example, white New Yorkers Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were executed by Klansmen in Mississippi chose to explore the consuming of a Black church. Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a white mother from Michigan, was executed by Alabaman Klansmen in 1965 when she attempted to help Blacks in the South (Maxwell). A large number of whites worked for Black opportunity: an ideological move bolstered and empowered by the sorts of strategies Dr. Ruler supported. T he equivalent can't be said of Malcolm X, who broadly commented that white individuals were â€Å"a race of devils†(Lomax 57). What white individual would be urged to work for social equality given such an adversarial comment? Albeit Black militancy was significant with regards to the whole social equality development, the retaliatory tenor of Malcolm X’s message made certain to cause restriction from the foundation. The message was likewise significantly collectivistic and an absolute opposite of the American estimation of independence (McTaggart). His assemble for Blacks to come made a development for Black communism in a sort of deliberate isolation. As it were, this invalidated the point of the social equality development, and, missing of the endeavors of other, less oppositional pioneers, would have most likely compounded the difficult confronting Blacks in America. Driving the Black people group to stay isolated from whites all in all could have proceeded with the assessment among bigot Americans that Black individuals are not equivalent to white individuals. Dr. Ruler, inâ contrast, unswervingly pushed for a social soul in America: causing to notice the imbalances he saw in various zones of society. As opposed to expecting these disparities existed and not causing open to notice them, Dr. Ruler made it his job in the development to challenge social presumptions about the spot of Black individuals in America. Regardless of Malcolm X’s huge effect on the development, his message was not one of balance, however of counter for imbalance. Albeit both Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were transformational pioneers who were instrumental in raising open attention to an issue of disparity, just King’s techniques could have been fruitful in realizing the ideal result of the development. Applied to the development all in all, Malcolm X’s theory of rough reprisal would have exacerbated the difficult Blacks looked at that point, compelling the white foundation to build abuse and isolation of the Black people group. Since King’s procedures were effective in testing the foundation, Blacks accomplished various social equality not already accessible to them. The sort of change pioneer King speaks to is an uncommon image, and the motivation he gave to Black individuals to change despite everything moves individuals to make progress toward balance and opportunity. Works Cited Lomax, Louis E. At the point when the Word is Given†¦: A Report on Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the Black Muslim World. New York: Greenwood Press, 1979. Maxwell, Bill. White companions of social equality. 20 January 2008. 27 April 2010 . McTaggart, Ursula. The Oratory of Malcolm X. February 2006. April 2010 .
Issues That the Jerusalem Council Debated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7
Issues That the Jerusalem Council Debated - Essay Example The goals was conveyed to all Christians. The Jerusalem board is a model to the congregation today. There have risen numerous strict sections in Christianity today. These sections have varied in their lessons on submersion. A few gatherings have faith in sanctification by inundation while others keep up that the measure of water doesn't make a difference for up to one pronounces confidence in Jesus. Discussions on sexual direction and articulation have negatively affected the congregation. This distinction some of the time declines into open ill will and clashes. Today’s church ought to gain from the manner in which the Jerusalem board would deal with issues calmly and with exchange (Elmer 89). While in Rome, Paul fell into difficulty with the Jewish seniors and boss clerics. The older folks and ministers bound Paul when he would not quit lecturing about the restoration of Jesus, yet he was spared by the authorities of the head before they hurt him. At the point when he was taken to Emperor Felix and accused of prompting individuals and causing tumult, he safeguarded himself by clarifying that the individuals were just irate with him for lecturing about the restoration of Jesus. Felix would not like to dig into Paul’s case. He put him in detainment until he left Caesarea. Festus his replacement came to control (Harrison 57). He returned to Paul’s case, and he schemed with Paul’s adversaries to hand him over to them so they hurt him in the falsification of moving him to Jerusalem to attempt him there. Be that as it may, Paul declined, and when he showed up before Festus and King Agrippa, he begged Caesarea as a Roman resident. He charged that he had not repudiated any roman or Jewish law, yet he was just educating about the revival of Jesus.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Odyssey :: essays research papers
1. Does the Odysseus of these books appear to be changed in character from the Odysseus of Books V †XII? Provided that this is true, why? In the books 5 to 12 Odysseus’ character doesn't generally experience any changes starting with one feature then onto the next. Odysseus despite everything conveys similar characteristics and attributes directly all the way to the finish of the story. It is, in any case, clear in book 22, when Odysseus delivers his retribution upon the admirers, that we see a very surprising side to Odysseus’ character. Both these two focuses will be tended to in this answer. Toward the start of the Epic, Odysseus is introduced as a bold and courageous man who regularly considers his home, spouse and child. He is a character that adores narrating, which likewise incorporates lying easily. Odysseus â€Å"the man of numerous resources†never shows signs of change in his manners all through the remainder of the Epic, as he stays steady to all his previous qualities. Along these lines clearly Odysseus is a truly steady saint who acts and thinks in a similar way constantly, much like any human. Be that as it may, there is a turn to this discussion, as in Book 22 when he battles the admirers and wins we do see a totally different side to the character of Odysseus. In this book, Homer presents Odysseus to us as a heartless and un-excusing character one who has everything set on wrecking everything he can. Odysseus could essentially be depicted as coldblooded. We see this specifically when Odysseus â€Å"stuck Leodes full in the neck.†Leodes had submitted to Odysseus yet he was honored with no desire for acknowledgment as Odysseus had just chosen the suitor’s destiny. This is a serious change in the manner that Odysseus is depicted in the various <a href=http://www.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Preparing for the real world
Preparing for the real world Hey folks, TGIF! I got an email from Tanya 10 earlier this week, who said that she wanted to write up a little entry about how GEL prepared her for life outside of the MIT bubble. I love hearing other students take on this program because its one of those you get what you give sort of experiences, so different people take away different messages. Matt 11, another GEL, was featured in the winter 2011 issue of MITs Spectrum newsletter that goes out to friends and supporters of MIT. I agree that the hands-on approach helps this program stand out from all my lecture-based classes! Anyway, Tanyas text begins below. Enjoy! ================================================= It could have been any number of early mornings my freshman year at MIT. There I was, slaving over a 18.02 or 8.012 pset at 3AM, being really no closer to finishing than I was a few hours earlier. On his way through the lounge, one of the upperclassmen in my dorm stopped by to comfort me. “Don’t worry,†he said, “After this, the real world will be easy.†I heard that sentiment echoed many times during my years at MIT from anyone from second-term freshmen to recent alums returning to regale us with tales of life after graduation. For most of my time at the Institute, I fully believed them, using their optimism and encouragement to convince myself to pull through just one more all-nighter. The problem is, being a recent graduate myself, I’m not entirely convinced they were right. The problem with psets and labs are that they are confined, defined problems with a predetermined solution. You know when you have reached the “right answer,†and the problems are intentionally designed to be solved by one or two people, ideally of the same background and skill set. Ask anyone from the “real world†how realistic that situation is and chances are you’ll be greeted with a mixture of laughter and sympathetic looks. MIT does the best job in the world for preparing you for the technical challenges you will face in industry, and if your future job involves sitting in a cubicle solving well-defined problems fed to you by a benevolent manager, then you’re in luck because the “real world†will probably seem pretty easy compared to your time at MIT. However, for the vast majority of you who will work in teams made of people with diverse backgrounds on problems that are both ill-defined and complex, you may find that MIT only gave you a few pieces of the puzzle. That’s why it’s so great that programs like GEL are becoming part of the MIT curriculum. GEL very much fills a hole left by traditional coursework, and that’s how to deal with all the parts of your job that aren’t solitary technical problem-solving. To highlight this gap, I’ll give an example from my own post-MIT experience. When I started grad school, my first (and still ongoing) project was part of an industry collaboration with my lab and involved running a coordinated study across four countries, all of whom would have their own quasi-independent operating teams. One of those countries is China, and there have been a lot of unanticipated complications arising both from the language barrier and cultural differences. Each of the teams also wanted to pull the project in a certain direction, and we had to make sure that the teams were given enough independence while still ensuring that their data would contribute to the overall project. Furthermore, our main industry contacts (and therefore the people to whom we had to report) were PR and marketing professionals who understood very little about academic research. It has been a separate challenge to try to run a legitimate research project while also fitting into the timescale and budget imposed by our industry collaborators, all while justifying our decisions to people whose background and knowledge of the field is completely different. I might have been in over my head, but luckily some of the core skills of the GEL program taught me how to work with people from diverse backgrounds and internationally. Many GEL ELLs taught me effective communication skills so I could effectively share my ideas with someone of a non-technical background and, similarly, understand their point of view and goals. My GEL InternshipPlus took me to England, where I learned to work with people from a different culture and in a different work environment. Finally, my contacts in the GEL program are a vital and consistent support network for me: I have reached out to the GEL staff for help with my current project even though I have graduated, and their assistance has been invaluable. I can’t really say that any of my academic classes at MIT prepared me for many the challenges I’ve faced since graduating, and with the dynamics of both industry and academia changing rapidly, it’s reasonable to say that you too might be surprised by the things required of you once you leave the relative safety being evaluated based purely on coursework. The value of the GEL program is in preparing you to face those challenges. Not only will you know more what to expect, but you will be prepared and will therefore excel in ways that you never knew you could. I am grateful every day that I had GEL to teach me the things I never would have learned at MIT otherwise, and I know that I will apply many of the lessons I learned in the program throughout my career. I highly encourage all of you to take advantage of one of the best opportunities MIT has to offer. You won’t regret it.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Describe Experience of Time Spent at a Black Church - 1650 Words
Describe Experience of Time Spent at a Black Church (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Instructors Name:Course Number:Date:Experience of time spent at a black churchSpending a day at black church at Charleston African church in America is enough to tell the gravity of racism that still take dominion over these churches. While the majority of people and mostly scholars reinstate that the American religion dates back in 14th and 15th century, being the earliest time when the element of racial identity begun taking roots, it become difficult to establish the interconnection between religious type of worship that the people who were slaves in America Upheld and how it conformed with what the Original American believed. Talking to the congregation of this church before, during and after service poses a serious concern on what the African in the church believe and what they uphold in terms of race and relationship. Therefore, considering the encounter that I had in Charleston African church, I will point out the effect of racism, how I have overcome raci sm and how improvements can be made in terms of racial relationship in America in regard to the experience and response that I gathered from the congregation while I was this church.For instance, while in the church, the way the service was carried out was clear indication on the impact of racism to the congregation. The leaders are always preaching while they relate the preachers summon to the journey that the blacks underwent while serving as slaves under the white rulers. When I ask the leaders why they still relate to the past racial experience, all of them assert that though the blacks have been liberated, there are still more cases of segregation of the blacks not only in the political sphere but also in terms of religion. They claim to take charge of ensuring that every African generation is aware of the suffering that the early Africans were subjected to.Again, in reference to Blokke, he explains the mission of the churches that the significance of historic African American churches was considered in light of the fact that their central role in the community made them a popular target for racial violence (73). Thus the church of Charleston has also suffered the same violence not only once but many times which has increased religious racism. To the responses I received from the congregation, in Charleston black church, I can attest that racism has affected members of not only this church but also other black churches in America ad this is due to the below reason provided by the members I talked; first in their church, the majority of the people champions the africanism only by re-introducing and re-establishing their original form of worship that they believe it suits the African beliefs. This means that if one is not an African, its hard to adapt with numerous cultural beliefs being championed in African churches. Another racism has taken dominance is that in this church, the majority of them still have the same attitude about the whites being boss y and manipulative as it was during slavery period. Again, they confirmed that apart from the Charleston church, many African churches have the overseers or the leaders of the church from the African race, and the majority of people around them are from African racial group which becomes difficult for other races to adapt with such leadership. They also reiterated that the essence of Africans wanting to have their own churches and leadership has in fact widened the racial rift between the them and the whites which in turn has created a sense of hatred between the Africans and the whites, on the other hand, the whites perceive Africans as mare uncivilized people who are illiterate and thats why its difficult to closely relate on the basis of religion.Another effect of racism that the congregation portrayed was the element of segregation which they claim that it was and its still heavily evident in the church and other areas like Louisiana where blacks still want to have their own chu rches where they can carry out their worship and this behavior date back in 19th century where people were to worship in houses for example the house of John G. Lewis that was converted into a parish for worship (Blokke, 62). The element of Africans having their place to sit in the church was evident and the congregation asserted that its a system that has existed for centuries and it has become difficult to change it considering that many African churches could not carry out evangelism without the consent of the whites, besides, organizing seminars and conference on racial lines in the United States and the imbalance of all races in churches has a serious affect to the whites in any black church (Harold, 14). In most cases, for the whites who attend service in this church, they partially participate in the events of the church since they are considered less important which still widen the racial gap. The blacks in the church asserted that they own the church and therefore the white s who attend service have no right participate in the decision making process in the church the way the blacks do.By the look of things, overcoming racism in a black church is one difficult thing. The congregation confirmed that overcoming racial relationship in the church is one of the hardest test in life, for instance, they said that racism has been there since the slavery period in the United State for about the last six centuries and they still live under the second type of slavery which is racism. For instance, they said that living by what people and the country want them to live is what makes them withstand effect of racism. Besides, the segregation of the whites in African churches will still remain; however the whites becoming persistent and trying to adjust with what the blacks implement will help them overcome religious racism.Furthermore, the black congregation asserts that the other way to overcome racism is by showing value for the African cultures and beliefs which w ill compel the Africans to accept other races in their churches when they discovered that the whites have value for their cultures. Another issue that affect how people can overcome racism is the fact that the majority of the black or African race believe that the whites are the most racist both politically and in religion and they attest that the political system in America has compelled them to separate themselves since the whites use the advantage of political power deny them their right hence many have made decisions to worship at their homes and their specific African churches where they can handle their racial specific affairs (Blokke 58-63. However, many blacks are optimistic that despite the fact that there are churches specifically know to be for the Africans and the Whites, the current governments work together with religious leaders to unify the believers and ensure that aspect of African Specific churches and Whites specific churches is eliminated and at the end it will help overcome religious racism.In terms of facilitating improvement in racial relationship, the leaders of the church at Charleston confirm that there is still a lot more to be done. For instance, they said that most of the states in the Southern part of America are dominated by the blacks; hence the churches in this region have the majority of the congregation as Africans. This applies to the northern part of United States where the majority of the people are whites and so the churches are dominated by the whites. In line with religious racism, the leaders said that the churches known to be specifically for whites have recently been in limelight over the issue of gay marriage, polyandry and violation of women sexuality and gender for African women which has heavily been opposed by the Elite African women (Collins 110). They said that the...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Temporarily Help Memory And Thinking Problems Essay
temporarily help memory and thinking problems in patients. (7, p.1046). Additionally, the effectiveness of these drugs varies between patients (3). According to the Alzheimer’s Association there are several promising new drug therapies in the development stages that may be more effective in stopping the disease progression and ultimately curing Alzheimer’s patients. Two drugs, in particular, in the research stage, show exciting potential. The first, Solanezumab, is designed to lower the levels of beta-amyloid in the brain thereby stopping the damaging plaques from adhering to brain tissue. The second, CSP-1103, is a microglial modulator that targets inflammation in the brain and also works to prevent beta-amyloid from being deposited on brain tissue (3). Other notable areas of research include: Researchers are working to stop tau proteins in the brain from becoming impaired (3). Tau protein, which normally stabilizes the nerve cell, becomes damaged and tangled and ultimately destroys the neuron in Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, studies are underway regarding the use of intranasal insulin therapy as a possible treatment (3). Research has been limited by the fact that living brain tissue of Alzheimer’s patients cannot be removed for study. Within the past few years though, stem cell scientists have successfully converted living cells from AD patients into the types of neurons that are affected by Alzheimer’s disease (induced pluripotent stem cells). 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Dementia is a term for the severe loss of mental ability that it interferes with your daily life. This is caused by damage to the brain cells. Alzheimer s disease is the most common type of dementia and is characterized by gradual declines mental abilities (Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research, 2016). The disease slowly attacks nerve cells in all parts of the brain and some surrounding structuresRead More Alzheimers Disease Essay1068 Words  | 5 Pagesand results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. Dementia is the lost of thinking, remembering and reasoning so bad it screws up ability to do daily functions and eventually resolves in death. Dr. Alois Alzheimer’s first discovered the disease in 1906. Sin ce then research has developed a deeper understanding of the changes in the brain. Warning sign’s of Alzheimers are memory loss that affects home and job skills, problem in speaking, poor judgmentRead MoreFamily with Alzheimers1063 Words  | 4 PagesFamily with Alzheimer’s Part 1 Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the nerve cells, resulting in loss of memory, thinking and skills, and behavioral changes (America, 2014). This disease now has a huge impact on my own life, and the lives of those who are closest to me. Around the age of 67, my grandma started forgetting things periodically. I can remember her saying, â€Å"Where did I put those keys?†â€Å"I just had them.†People did not think much of it; they justRead MoreThe Exact Cause of Dementia Essay906 Words  | 4 Pagesof Dementia is damage to the brain cells; it affects the way the brain cells are able to communicate with one another. When the cells aren’t able to communicate, it commonly disturbs thinking, behavior, and feelings. Synapse or neuron to neuron functioning is dismal which results in confusion and communication problems. Many things can cause damage to the brain cells such as, diseases that cause deterioration in the bra in like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Strokes, nutritional deficiencies, and headRead MoreAlzheimers Disease: The Disease of Memory Loss722 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿ Alzheimers Disease - the disease of memory loss Marlene Targ Brill uses, in her book about Alzheimers, Nancy Reagans quote to describe this awful neurodegenerative disease. Alzheimers disease is a cruel disease that steals lives. Its hard to know what to expect. The years of exchanging memories of old age are gone. Its long, long good-bye (Nancy Reagan, former First Lady, pg 10). Alzheimers symptoms are most often confused with normal symptoms of aging, although they have a greaterRead MoreEssay on Alzheimers Disease1236 Words  | 5 Pagesneurological disorder that leads to impairments in memory, thinking and reasoning. AD is the most common cause of dementia in older people, and mainly affects people 65 and over. Within the last few years, there have been drugs that can temporarily treat the patients, but it remains a form of dementia that is irreversible. The disease is very hard on both the person who receives the diagnosis and on his or her family and friends. Aside from medical help, those affected by the diagnosis may wa nt to considerRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : A Progressive Disease1663 Words  | 7 Pages Posted by FANCY KELLEY At 01/31/16 15:06 Alzheimer s disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. At first, someone with Alzheimer s disease may notice mild confusion and difficulty remembering. Eventually, people with the disease may even forget important people in their lives and undergo dramatic personality changes. Alzheimer s disease is the most common cause of dementia  a group of brain disorders that cause the loss of intellectual and
Monday, May 18, 2020
Hurricane Response - 820 Words
Hurricane Response The objective of this study is to become more sensitized and knowledgeable about preparations, impact, and response to disaster. Recommendations for improvement will be made. If one will, then imagine for a moment the condition of one who is, following a major weather-related disaster, homeless, wet, cold, hungry, tired, hungry and scared having lost possessions and nearly ones life. Upon applying for assistance from FEMA, those applying are instructed to access FEMA online for assistance. Consider that there is no power and will not be for days and possibly weeks and even if there were, one cannot return home to use their computer because it is flooded or washed away by the sea. This is just one example of the horrors that were suffered by victims of Hurricane Sandy along the north-eastern U.S. coast most recently. This is an example of a poor and cold response to individuals who are in real and dire need. It is reported in the work of Reynolds (2012) After Sandy struck, some areas did worse than others, and FEMA as with Katrina got bad press. Manhattan was hit hard, but the outer boroughs suffered more. Staten Island residents say they were forgotten by relief efforts and one press report called the island a giant mud puddle of dead dreams. (p.1) The problem is however, how to reach the masses who are scattered and dispersed in all direction following such an event as a Hurricane. This same problem was experienced by FEMA during the aftermath ofShow MoreRelatedThe Response Of Hurricane Katrina1625 Words  | 7 Pagesinequality more attention is provided to those in hardship. A prime example of this is New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit. Before the hurricane hit the only time I had hear of New Orleans was if someone was speaking about doing down to Mardi Gras. The people affected by the hurricane lost a lot. Many lost their homes, tangible possessions stored in their homes, animals, and some lost their lives. Hurricane Katrina was a huge devastatio n to the country, but many survivors say they did not get adequateRead MoreGovernment Response Of Hurricane Katrina1194 Words  | 5 PagesGovernment Response to Hurricane Katrina Levels of Government In my opinion, all three levels of government failed the people of New Orleans in responding to Hurricane Katrina. There was plenty of pushing the blame on one another that ended up delaying responses and finding results. It seemed like one level of government would try saying the other level of government is responsible for that role. For example, The Director of FEMA, Michael Brown would say that the local and state are in charge ofRead MorePublic Policy Response to Hurricane Katrina1983 Words  | 8 PagesPUBLIC POLICY RESPONSE TO HURRICANE KATRINA Summary As the Gulf States begin the massive task of reconstruction after Hurricane Katrina, the nation is actively engaged in a dialogue concerning the lessons learned from this catastrophe, and the best options moving forward. Many are asking whether the aid package and policies proposed by President Bush are the right approach to rebuilding and restoring the region. While the hurricane shines a much needed spotlight on a number of societal issues, itRead MoreWal-Mart’s Response to Hurricane Katrina1800 Words  | 8 PagesWal-Mart’s Response to Hurricane Katrina So far in the American history, hurricane Katrina remains to be one of the most devastating hurricanes to have ever been witnessed. Though preparation were already in place to counter its effects, the storm’s impact turned out to be one of the most unprecedented ever seen. This is even notable from the way government agencies reacted to this disaster. It brought out the inefficiencies and inadequacies of the emergency units both at the federal and state levelRead MoreHurricane Katrin Disaster Response And Recovery System2328 Words  | 10 PagesHurricane Katrina has been noted as one of the costliest and deadliest natural disasters in US history. This paper will exam the city of New Orleans and the preparation, response, and aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. This catastrophic event shaped the US disaster response and recovery system. The city of New Orleans is the most populated city in state of Louisiana. Due to the geographical location, the city was at a significant risk for flooding. New Orleans was originally settled on the naturalRead MoreUnited States Government Response to Hurricane Katrina: Where Does the Blame Belong?1645 Words  | 7 Pagesorder to affect or interfere with decisions.†Many accuse the United States’ national government of minimal and slow actions taken after the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, while others share the blame of this response. Local, state, and national government response will be discussed, focusing on the government’s interaction after the strike of Hurricane Katrina. Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana on August 29th, 2005, but the failure of the local government started before this day â€Å"by allowing buildingRead MorePost Disaster Response for Hurricane Katrina Government preparation efforts had been in the works1500 Words  | 6 PagesPost Disaster Response for Hurricane Katrina Government preparation efforts had been in the works for years prior to Hurricane Katrina striking the Gulf Coast. In fact a recent as 2004 a hurricane drill was hosted by FEMA simulating a disaster event rivaling that of Hurricane Katrina including the evisceration of the city in also a similar manner. This drill, otherwise known as the â€Å"Hurricane Pam†drill, caused enough of an effect to get additional funding for preventative measures. GovernorRead MoreMigratory Land Birds Response To The Hurricane Devastation805 Words  | 4 Pageslandscapes. Typically, if a migrant is in a stopover site that doesn’t have adequate resources, it will move to a stopover site that has better resources. This will be hard at the western part of the Gulf for them to do. It’s been 2 months since the hurricane hit and it’s difficult to assess how migratory land birds stopping over in the Gulf Coast have responded to the hurricane’s devastation. The species that specialize by foraging in the leaf litter of the forest floor, are at a disadvantage regardingRead MoreAnalysis of Song Lyrics1604 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst social issues and the preconceived ideas that stand tall on the stage of democracy. This is why song lyrics should be considered one of the most important cultural texts of the modern age. The songs Sunday Bloody Sunday by the band U2 and Hurricane by artist Bob Dylan substantiate ideas of equ ality and â€Å"justice for all†, encouraging the listener to take a look at their own values and attitudes surrounding the issues presented†¦ would the listener react differently if it were their life or integrityRead MoreDisaster Management Of The Hurricane Katrina Essay1596 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction In today’s world, there has been one disaster or another, and hurricanes are one of those disasters that always happens. But, for one reason or another we are never prepared or understand the danger of any type of hurricane over a category one. Most of us have been through many hurricanes, like this learner who has lived in Miami, Fla. for over 30 years, and experienced her last hurricane which was Hurricane Andrew. Warnings are always given, first responders are trained to all ways
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Epidemiology HIV Paper - 1382 Words
Paola A Torres Grand Canyon University: NRS- 427V 12/14/2014 HIV COMMUNICABLE DISEASE AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is defined by the Mayo Clinic as A chronic, potentially life-threatening condition which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV damages the immune system, and interferes with the ability the body has to fight the disease causing organism (Mayo Clinic, 2014). HIV is an infection transmitted sexually. Another mode of transmission for HIV is by exposure to infected blood, or it could also be transmitted from the mother to the unborn child during the course of pregnancy, at childbirth or through breastfeeding. It may take several years for the HIV virus to weaken the immune system†¦show more content†¦Biology and genetics: Sex, gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity. Various studies show evidence that link the relationship between social determinants of health and the risk for HIV. Interrelated social determinants of health can create a context of vulnerability and risk for HIV. It is very important to be able t o recognize the interrelation components of HIV risk in order determine the HIV prevention response that is the most effective. For instance, research shows that HIV rates are significantly higher in Black men who have sex with men (MSM) than for MSM of other races. These rates, which are very disproportionate, are not attributable to a higher frequency of sexual risk behaviors. To appropriately address risk for MSM of different races, it is imperative to understand the process of disease transmission among these populations, in other words, the social determinants of health that are involved, such as access to healthcare (CHLA, 2012). The epidemiologic triangle is composed of, the agent, the host, and the environment. The International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM) describes the HIV as causative agent for AIDS. According to the IPM, â€Å"the most common type is known as HIV-1 and is the infectious agent that has led to the worldwide AIDS epidemic. There is also an HIV-2 tha t is much less common and less virulent, butShow MoreRelatedEpidemiology Paper on Hiv800 Words  | 4 PagesPromotion May 16, 2014 HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It can lead to immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. It is caused by the HIV entering the uninfected body and stats to destroy CD4+cells which are there to help the body fight infection and disease (, 2014). Once you have HIV, you have it for life. More than 1.1 million people in United States alone are living with HIV and 1 out of 6 font even know it. About 50,000 people are infected with HIV each year (, 2014).Read MoreThe Prevention Of Infectious Disease1596 Words  | 7 PagesEcology of Infectious Disease Final Exam HIV Public Health Campaign Purpose of the Guide to HIV Infection for Healthcare Professionals Presented on pages 1 through 3 is a mock guide that will be handed out to public health professionals for the purpose of identifying and treating those afflicted with HIV. General Information on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus with Specified Information for the Healthcare Professional Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is a single stranded positive sense RNARead MoreExamples Of Position Of Officer967 Words  | 4 Pagesearned my MD from Kabul Medical University specializing in Family Medicine. I then earned an Executive MBA in Health Management and Administration from Preston University Pakistan. Subsequently, I earned my Dual MPH degree in Epidemiology and Global Health, and my PhD in Epidemiology at the University of South Florida, College of Public Health. Here, I would like to briefly address the critical competencies in the position description. With over 10 years of experience in public health, I have ledRead MoreEpidemiology Paper1518 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Running head: Epidemiology paper: Tuberculosis Epidemiology Paper: Tuberculosis Richard Doria Grand Canyon University NRS-427V October 5, 2014 Epidemiology Paper: Tuberculosis â€Å"Tuberculosis (TB), a multisystem disease with myriad presentations and manifestations, is the most common cause of infectious disease–related mortality worldwide. Although TB rates are decreasing in the United States, the disease is becoming more common in many parts of the world. In addition, the prevalenceRead MoreHiv Epidemiology1228 Words  | 5 PagesHIV Epidemiology HIV Epidemiology For the epidemiology paper I chose to write about HIV. HIV is growing concern in the community and too many people are uneducated about the seriousness of this disease. HIV is terminal illness; it will eventually consume your life at some point. There are treatment options out there but being compliant with the medication regimen is crucial to the maintenance and management of this disease. HIV also known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus; with HIV the virusRead MoreThe Nutritional Principles Of Nursing Course Essay1667 Words  | 7 Pages Nutrition and HIV Tiffany Schenck Rasmussen College Author Note This paper is being submitted on December 9, 2016, for Virginia Aulik’s Nutritional Principles of Nursing course. â€Æ' Nutrition and HIV It s been 30 years since the HIV/AIDS epidemic shook the world. What is the current status of the virus globally? Are you at risk? Is there a cure? HIV does not make someone dangerous to know. You can shake their hand and give them a hug without becoming infected. In America, 8% ofRead MoreWhy I Am A Doctor875 Words  | 4 Pagesinitiatives through the International Federation of Medical Students Associations. I led local campaigns and worked on publications to raise awareness on breast cancer, tuberculosis, smoking, breastfeeding interruption, female genital mutilation, HIV/AIDS, and other global health issues. Working as a physician in Egypt, I quickly realized that I could be more effective in solving health problems if I integrated a public health approach with my clinical background. One of the encounters during myRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1529 Words  | 7 PagesTemplate for APA Papers: A Sample of Proper Formatting for the APA 6th Edition Sheela Jose Grand Canyon University: HIV Known as a Communicable Disease A communicable disease is known an illness that results from an infectious agent that occurs through transmission either indirectly or directly, from an infected individual. The human immunodeficiency virus is considered a communicable disease, and will be explored further in relation to the concepts of epidemiology and the role ofRead Moreepidemiology HIV1204 Words  | 5 Pagesa written paper of 1,200-1,500 words, apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Communicable Disease Selection Choose one communicable disease from the following list: 1. Chickenpox 2. Tuberculosis 3. Influenza 4. Mononucleosis 5. Hepatitis B 6. HIV Epidemiology Paper Requirements Include the following in your assignment: 1. Description of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographicRead MoreQuestions On Epidemiology And Biostatistics846 Words  | 4 Pages EDUCATION: Temple University Philadelphia, PA US Master’s Degree – 12/2014 45 Semester hours Major: Public health Concentration: Epidemiology and Biostatistics Relevant Coursework: Fundamental of Public Health, Complex Emergencies and forced migration, Epidemiological Research Methods I II, Multivariate Biostatistics, Data management and Analysis, Political Aspect of Public Health
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Characterization of Slaves in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry...
Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is a controversial American novel due to its uncensored depiction of racist Southern antebellum society. The novel follows a white protagonist named Huckleberry Finn and his runaway slave friend, Jim, as they adventure down the Mississippi River. Twain characterizes Jim as a typical uneducated, unsophisticated slave who is merely a piece of property, in order to expose the reality of slavery in the antebellum period. However, by also giving Jim a paternal role and humane qualities, Twain uses the character of Jim and his relationship with Huck to convey that slaves were humane people, despite how they were viewed and treated at the time. The first time On the outside Jim is introduced in the novel, he is characterized as as a stereotypical slave as he is simple, unsophisticated, illiterate, childlike and superstitious. Huck is simply a representation of the average white person in that era. He may be fascist but wouldn’t even know he was on e due to his society. Huck is not necessarily racist; he goes as far as befriending a slave who is owned by Miss Watson. His initial description of Jim comes off as racist but Huck is merely describing Jim in a way that slaves were typically viewed. Jim is portrayed as childlike in his thinking, naà ¯ve, and superstitious which was a typical stereotype about slaves. At one point, Jim, a grown man, is tricked by Huck, a young boy, on the raft and is made to believe that he is in a dream rather than reality.Show MoreRelated Mark Twains Pessimistic Views Exposed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn782 Words  | 4 PagesMark Twains Pessimistic Views Exposed in Mark Twains Pessimistic Views Exposed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, through examples of hypocrisy, racism, and greed, shows Twains pessimistic view of society and corruption of the human race as a whole. This novel documents the travels of a young boy by the name of Huckleberry Finn, and a runaway slave named Jim as they attempt to explore and escape their homes because of their own respective reasonsRead MoreThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Research Paper1649 Words  | 7 PagesSince its first publication in 1884, Mark Twain’s masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has proven to be one of history’s most controversial novels; especially recently, the novel has often been banned by schools and censored by libraries. Characters in the book are constantly using disparaging language toward slaves, and the repeated use of the word â€Å"nigger†makes many sensitive and offended. Critics denounce the novel and Mark Twain as racist for this word being insulting and politicallyRead MoreEssay on Memorable Moments In Mark Twains Huck Finn621 Words  | 3 Pages Mark Twain’s famous novel, Huckleberry Finn, was published in 1855. The story was based off a character that was an ornery and crazy boy, but still had a kind heart. In the time period of the novel it was during the movement of slaves becoming their o wn people, and regaining their freedom. This was a hard concept for the people of America to accept. The story follows Huck as he helps free Jim, a slave who had escaped due to the fact that he was going to be sold. This idea for a novel was a veryRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1423 Words  | 6 PagesIn this book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was a prime example of how most children were raised to be and how it produced a wrong perception on slaves. Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because of a direct effect off of his personal experiences in his time. Any difference in another human shouldn’t determine greeting or befriending another person was the message Mark Twain was trying to send was due to the struggles he seen a slave go through which was put intoRead MoreAnalysis Of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 1679 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of an Important Character Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a story about growing up, facing the world, and fighting for what’s right. Huckleberry Finn matures greatly throughout the book, and Tom Sawyer plays an important role in showing this change. His character allows the reader to see Huck’s increase in maturity throughout the story. Tom is the constant, his immaturity not changing from the beginning to the end of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, while Huck is the changing variable. Tom’sRead More Prejudice and Racism in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn1062 Words  | 5 PagesPrejudice and Racism in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  Despite all the criticism, of racism and other questionable material for young readers, Mark Twain’s The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is a superbly written novel, which in the opinion of this reviewer should not be remove the literary cannon. Twain’s novel is a coming of age story that teaches young people many valuable lessons and to some extend makes students reexamine their own lives and morals. The most common argumentRead MoreMark Twain s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn1562 Words  | 7 PagesMark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) Introduction Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835- April 21, 1910), commonly known as Mark Twain was an American writer whose works act as social commentary on issues including racism, poverty and class distinctions. His most distinguished novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885) convey the vanquished way of life in the pre-Civil War Mississippi Valley and life on the river. His unpretentious, colloquialRead MoreDehumanism In Huckleberry Finn Essay867 Words  | 4 Pagespowerful and important figure in the world, however its history of transporting people from Africa to the colonies and enslaved greatly stains its reputation. Categorizing the African slaves utilizing derogatory references as a form of dehumanizing them. American literature like Mark Twain’s The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn provides this sense of realism portraying real life of the brutal and ugly aspects of life, as in this case slavery. In the book, it us es the n-word over two hundred times stirringRead MoreNegative Influence Of Huck Finn1360 Words  | 6 PagesMark Twain’s â€Å"Huck Finn†â€Å"Huck Finn†story can be a debatable when it comes to history, and what the story is about. Some argue that Mark Twain’s abuse of using the â€Å"N†word triggers racism especially that this book was written when slavery became illegal. As one student said, It is estimated that the word nigger is used 392 times which reinforces a negative stereotype of African Americans represented by the use of this derogatory word (Jackson). Some can still argue that this book can be a badRead More Huckleberry finn Essay examples925 Words  | 4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There is a major argument among literary critics whether the adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, is or is not a racist novel. The question focus on the depiction of Jim, the black slave, and the way he is treat by Huck and other characters. The use of the word â€Å"nigger†is also a point raised by some critic, who feel that Twain uses the word too often and too loosely. Mark Twai n never presents Jim in a negative light. He does not show Jim as a drunkard, as a mean person
Who Decided Free Essays
Nehal HousnyBasic Composition Kathy WilfordNovember 5, 2012 Who Decides? Medical Technologies (MT) is an essential factor when it comes to science . However, there seems to be a misunderstanding on who should have the power to control its use. The three most common figures that are usually involved in controlling MT’s are the government, doctors, and society. We will write a custom essay sample on Who Decided or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each representative has its own advantages and disadvantages . In both essays ,†The Made to Order Savior†by Lisa Belkin and â€Å"Who Holds the Clicker†by Lauren Slater , medical technology procedures are executed yet controlled and regulated differently. Every figure has its own guidelines as to how to control this technology and at times there was no control at all . Medical practices are very important and sometimes necessary to save a patients life . With proper funding from the government , doctors should have the authority to control how medical technology is used. In the â€Å"Made to Order Savior†by Lisa Belkin , doctors were able to control medical practices used in the patients life. Unfortunately , they received little or no funds from the government. Belkin felt that doctors lacked control because they were being held back from the government . For example, Dr Mark Hughees was one the first doctors who helped Strongin Goldbergs’ and the Nashes’ family find a cure for their children Henry and Molly. His brilliance and ever-lasting experience caused much of his research to be supported by the government , but not for too long. It was only so soon that Congress decided to stop funding Hughess research , which eventually affected the lives of Henry and Molly. Hughes then continued his research through private funds. Belkin states â€Å" at the time he was also a member of a federal advisory committee that developed guidelines for single-cell embryo analysis that was central to PGD. But no sooner had those guidelines been developed than Congress banned all federal financing of embryo research , and Hughes was forced to continue his research with private funds only†(6). This shows that the doctors’ work is not always supported and can be affected by the governments’ decisions. The government is controlling and limiting the doctors’ ability to use medical technology . By stopping financial funds necessary to continue research the chances of finding new cures lessens by a great chance . This can also be considered detrimental to the patients life because it leaves questions unanswered . On the other hand , in â€Å"Who Holds the Clicker†by Lauren Slater , doctors were able to receive adequate funding from the government to expand the use of medical technology . The government here saw the benefits of medical technology to the point were they took control of it. By willingly sponsoring doctors , this technology was soon uses as a management device. e . This potentially put pressure on the doctors because there funding was still limited which made no room for mistakes or seconds chances. Slater states †Beyond questions of whether a several mentally ill patient can provide informed consent, there continue to hover fears that DBS could fall into the hands of the state, or the overworked prison system, and be used as a management device†(242). As mentioned in the context of the essay, it is understood that the phrase â€Å"management device†refers to power and the capacity to dominate. Here, the government saw an opportunity to utilize the tools of medical technology to control the population. One example of how the government wanted to use medical technology to gain power is to try and wipe out violence. Slater states â€Å" The potential uses and abuses of neural implants were obvious: You could control prison populations; you could effectively wipe out violence†(236). They targeted certain races and populations, such as African Americans. Their excuse to use medical technology was to wipe out violence from the African American race. Once again, this proves that the doctors are the ones who should be in charge of medical practices. With a doctor, there is no exchange of benefits with his or her patients. The doctor does not desire power or management to cure a patient. Instead, a doctor needs experience, passion, and the will to decide when and how to use medical technology. In both Belkin and Slaters’ essays the government is seen as an obstacle to allow the doctors be in control of their own job. Government is looking for ways on how to control the people regardless if it is providing funds or not. Peoples lives should not be based on what the governments’ visions are . The use of medical technology should stand in the hands of the doctors with no pressure included. Neurosurgeon Rees Cosgrove stated â€Å"If we do not do this right and carefully, and , you know properly†¦ I do not think we will have another opportunity†(242). There is a certain amount of pressure on the doctors shoulders’ to perfect these experiments and devices. Because there is no time for trial and error doctors are not able to test the procedure several times before actually executing it . â€Å"There are no animal models of DBS for anxiety or depression, so these forays into the human brains are largely unguided despite all the high tech equipment†(242). Once again, government is limiting the doctors’ options creating less precise results for their research. Spending so much time with anyone creates a certain level of attachment, let alone between a doctor and his or her patient. This attachment or bond can expedite the curing period of a patient. For example, Belkin states â€Å" They [Henry’s parents] took on Dr. Hughes problems as their own, bonding with him deeply , knowing that they needed him to bond if they were to save Henry†(10). Here, it is obvious that Henry’s parents are proudly desperate to find a cure for their son to the point where they are willing to deal with Henry’s doctors’ personal problems. Concerning over one another’s issues and trying to lift a burden always increases productivity and positivity. Slater also states â€Å" When Mario talks about that time now , tears come to his eyes. â€Å"It was like a miracle,†he says. †I still have some OCD symptoms but way , way less. Dr Greenberg and Ramussen saved my life. †(241) It is clear that as long there is good communication between the patient and the doctor, progress comes easier . Also, when the doctor has full control of the situation in terms of knowing the patients past habits, pain issues, and diagnosis he or she can provide a specific solution. They not only master helping every patients life but also learn to bond with most of them . This makes it more personal which can result in a positive way. Doctors should be able to receive proper funding since it is for sake of saving lives and advancing cures. As mentioned, doctors are reputable people with knowledge of how medical procedures should be carries . There are regulations that are given to every patient before the procedure. For example, Belkin states â€Å"That was apparently what Hughes’s gut told him , too, and he agreed to try and develop a lab procedure to screen HLA a the single-cell level. His participation came with certain conditions. First , that the mother must be younger than 35, because younger women produce more eggs, increasing the odds of a healthy match. Second, that he would work only with families who carried a specific subset for Type C mutation, known as IVS4,because it is the most common. And, last of all, the child being created must be wanted. †(7). Doctors create these guidelines to create the maximum amount of productive work and results. Once again, proving that they should have the say as to how medical technology is used. Slater’s essay advocates this idea of setting guidelines before experimentation, â€Å" To be eligible for neural implants he [Mario] had to exhaust every available pharmacological option at either optimal or above optimal doses and undergo at least 20 hours of behavior therapy. He had to understand the risks and implications of the procedure and provide his consent. His case was viewed by three review board†(238). It is shown that doctors are trained to take full control of a patients’ medical life in order to provide them with necessary aid. Others may see these procedures as detrimental to human health, however no doctor is licensed to harm his own patients. Slater’s essay later states â€Å" Dr Greenberg, his [Mario] psychiatrist said â€Å"we don’t want to repeat the mistakes of the past. We want to sure this therapy is not only used indiscriminately , but that it is reserved for the group of people who have failed trials of everything else†(238). This shows that doctors have the commitment to cure their patients. Although doctors provide accurate results , other may argue that doctors have too much control over the patients life. In†Who holds the Clicker†, a doctor by the name of Robert Heath studied forms of psychosurgery such as deep brain stimulation , also knows as DBS. The method in which carried this type of surgery is graphic and can be disturbing to the patients’ family members. Slater states â€Å" Heath took patients culled from the back wards of Louisiana’s mental hospitals, slit open their skulls , and dropped electrodes down deep inside them . With the use of a handheld stimulator , Heath discovered that electrodes placed in the hippocampus, the thalamus, or the tegmentum could produce states of rage or fear , while electrodes placed in the brain’s septal area and part of the amygdala could produce feelings of pleasure†(235). Evidently, the language used in this quote is visual and does not sound pleasurable. These procedures are seen as immoral and unethical by many patients and the public. To a certain extent the procedures of some experiments are unconscionable . Nonetheless, this paved a way for new science discoveries and benefited millions. Belkins’ story takes this issue a little lighter than Slaters’. The mothers of Henry and Molly underwent the process of in-vitro fertilization every other month to try and conceive a newborn child. It was necessary to impregnate a child with a matching tissue type. In spite of this hectic procedure , the mothers did not mind it . Even though the process affected their health and reproductivity , they still followed the doctors recommendation . They flew out to different clinics in different states to find a solution. Belkin states â€Å" Lisa spent all 1999 trying to defy the odds. In January she produced 12 eggs, 2 of which were healthy matches;she became pregnant , then miscarried. In June she produced only four eggs , one of which was a match but did not result in a pregnancy. In September she produced eight eggs , six of which had Fanconi anemia ; the single health match was implanted , but again, her pregnancy test was negative†(13). If there is a will there is a way to solve any problem no matter how difficult it is. Lisa , mother of Molly, kept trying and trying until she finally did become pregnant. This shows that trial and error, despite its vulgar imagery , still has the possibility of bringing positive results and changing someones’ life! Also , as much as doctors know the procedure is harmful in some way to the body, they also know there is a way of rejuvenating the patients health. These doctors don’t see a possibility of â€Å"no†. So why would anyone not allow doctors to have control of our medical lives? Dr. Wagner states â€Å" I’m here as the patients advocate , meaning Molly and Henry and all the other children in need of transplants . It is my obligation to push the envelope because I see how bad the other side can be . I see the results of a sibling transplant;they’re the easiest transplant to do†(7). It is clear that doctors see potential way more than the patients and the families. They should be trusted even if the procedure involves surpassing boundaries and limits . When these limits are exceeded and pushed to its fullest potential results like saving Molly’s life occur . Belkin states â€Å" In the end , Molly’s life was saved. That is the Nashes’ answer to people who question their right to manipulate nature . Their right springs form the difference between 30 percent and 85 percent ;the difference between Molly and Henry. That is also their answer to those who would urge the government to ban all embryo research because it harms unborn children . The research , they say ,saves children like Molly†(17). Not only is it proven that the government is an obstacle in terms of funding research , but also the doctor here jeopardizes his own job . Ultimately , medical technology is a very brittle topic to discuss in terms of who controls it. Governments’ part to play is to fund the doctors who are guaranteed to establish new science . As far as the essays and my personal opinion goes , doctors are the ones to be given control . They should be able to regulate medical devices . With their recognizable knowledge and perpetual background, it is safe to rely on doctors with your eyes closed. How to cite Who Decided, Essay examples
Increasing Impact of E-Marketing Organizational Consumers
Question: Discuss about the Increasing Impact of E-Marketing for Organizational Consumers. Answer: Introduction: With the increasing mass reach of internet and its impact on consumers, every organization is seeking e-marketing as a tool for their advertisement and marketing purpose. We get encountered with e-marketing of almost every product and services available in the market. Reading Boone and Kurtz, (2013), the idea has been cleared that there is a great opportunity of getting fruitful result and the higher chances of targeting the right consumers by the means of proper e-marketing. The aim of the report is to understand the implication of e-marketing on the prospected consumers and to evaluate the impact of online marketing in the recent time. There has been increasing numbers of issues related to the e-marketing that many big and small companies are facing. As commented by Turban, Strauss and Lai, (2015), there has been a lot of misinformation that is communicated to the prospected consumers by the means of e-marketing. In order to make a clear approach of the process of e-marketing, the marketing strategy of American Express, a financial company will be used as a case study for the report. E-marketing of American Express: As one of the leading and established card providers, the financial company has always created innovative marketing campaigns to drive its business. AMEX has understood the importance of e-marketing and has made considerable approaches target the specific group of customers. The company is highly active in e-marketing and carries out all kind of online marketing that includes sending personal mail or text messages, online marketing using the various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter (Rollins, Nickell Ennis, 2014). In fact, the company knows the exact way to target the prospected consumers and always flow with the current issues that remains in the limelight. One of the most relevant marketing strategies undertaken by the company is the online conversation. The company believes in the fact that far from being all talk and no game, the marketing policy of the company has always been leveraged and the company has tried to involve the consumers in the marketing activitie s. The company has launched an Open Forum website where the prospected customers can share their business knowledge and skills (Rollins, Nickell Ennis, 2014). This approach of the company has created a positive impact on the business and marketing of this International brand. American Express has been utilizing the concept of e-marketing not only for the advertisement purpose but to get proper feedback from the clients as well. In the view point of Alshurideh, Shaltoni and Hijawi, (2014), the online marketing strategy undertaken by AMEX has helped it to gather the target group of people. With the help of online questionnaire survey, the company has been successful to get proper response from the clients. With this approach the company has been successful in gathering more consumers. Relevant issues of the e-marketing: E-marketing has been gaining much importance in the recent time. The mass approach of the same marketing process has created a number of legal and ethical issues as well. Some of the issues can be discussed here: Privacy and data collection: It might seem that the data collection method by the mean of e-marketing is very simple but it is far complex than it seems. The privacy policies notify people about the sharing of their information to others (Kloss Sallot, 2015). The other online stores can get benefitted from the information collected from the consumers. It cannot be denied that AMEX has a strict legal control over the privacy of the information that the consumers share at their website. However, the presence of internet cookies and other issues sometimes hinders the privacy of customers. Security and cloud storage: Although the companies claim that they shall protect the data and will have potential security regarding the information, there always remain potential threats regarding the issue of the customers information (Ng, 2013). This could be one of the major issues that many participants might find reluctant to input their information in spite of having a certain level of willingness. Issues related to intellectual properties: Another legal issue that the companies face with respect to the information is the intellectual property like trademarks and copyright (Ng, 2013). Use of original marketing language in the website of a particular company creates a negative impact on the marketing approach made the companies to target the consumers. Advertising: The websites of the organizations also mislead people by false advertisements and other misleading marketing messages that unfairly affect the consumers behavior and decision making ability. It does not fall on the responsibility or look out of the companys website to keep a watch on other companies that might pop up with their advertisements (Kloss Sallot, 2015). However, using the internet for unfair means is not something that cannot be done. On the other hand, such instances are quiet evident at a regular basis at majority of e-marketing websites. Performance of the company: AMEX has always established an image of loyalty among its customers and the marketing carried on by the Company is also focused to target the consumers of the company. In order to increase its e-marketing, the company has even hired the Federated Media for bloggers. It has been found that the OPEN FORUM concept of the company was rather to make relationship with the consumers and take useful feedback from them rather than using the platform as a marketing tool (Rollins, Nickell Ennis, 2014). The Company has mainly targeted the businessmen as they are the main consumers of the company because they are credit the main credit card keepers. AMEX has rightly established itself as a brand in the market and has forced the consumers to think about the brand as an important industry in the market. The Company has been successful in gaining proper feedback and contact with people in a different way rather than annoying them by visiting them in their inbox. It has to be mentioned in this respect that the marketing practice conducted by the company has never used it for any kind of illegal activities and has always kept focus towards making the service better for the consumers. It has been observed that by this epic means of marketing, AMEX has been able to communicate with the people who could be considered as a prospected consumer (Alshurideh, Shaltoni Hijawi, 2014). Participation of a large number of audiences shows the success of the e-marketing approach made by the company. Recommendations for better marketing: The key to a successful marketing is to understand the precise areas where the marketing can be extremely successful. It is also important to understand the real motive of the marketing. In order to get better result of the marketing, certain recommendations can be made. These are: Defining specific goals to achieve the target: The primary thing is to acknowledge the target people and set the marketing aim to target this specific group of people. It has to be understood that every internet user is not the target consumer and therefore, the e-marketing must focus to target the particular group of people that shall be beneficial for the Company. Inclusion of real facts and figures: In order to make the marketing strategies more convincing, the facts and figures of the companys success or other financial data has to be included. This helps to increase the authenticity of the company towards the target group of people. If people are aware of the current position and the future prospects of the Company, the targeted people could be easily convinced towards their marketing objectives. Committing to the time scale: It is again recommended to be very active in the website and the committed to the timeliness of the activities that shall attract more consumers towards the company. If the marketing is not done keeping the time scale into consideration, it might not be effective upon the target group of people because up-to-date information is vital for a financial company like American Express. Conclusion: With the detail analysis of the e-marketing approach undertaken by the company, it can be said that the company has been successful in its approach towards gathering more customers and at the same time fulfill some of the important objective of the organization. With my personal experience, it can be said that AMEX had been utilizing the e-platform quite well and their marketing approach has resulted in the participation of many consumers. In fact, the company keeps on updating with their recent business plans and other offers that they have to make towards their customers. In addition to this, it has to be mentioned that AMEX has been successful in gaining trust and confidence of its consumers. The transparency in the OPEN FORUM discussion has increased their acceptance among the consumers. However, the issues of e-marketing cannot be neglected and it is expected that privacy and security of the e-marketing functionality shall be kept into consideration in order to improve the perfo rmance and target the prospected consumers rightly. Reference list: Alshurideh, M. T., Shaltoni, A. M., Hijawi, D. A. S. (2014). Marketing Communications Role in Shaping Consumer Awareness of Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns.International Journal of Marketing Studies,6(2), 163. Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L. (2013).Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning. Rollins, M., Nickell, D., Ennis, J. (2014). The impact of economic downturns on marketing.Journal of Business Research,67(1), 2727-2731. Kloss, M. V., Sallot, L. M. (2015, March). Corporate Stewardship in Public Relations Here and L and/e Aqui e There: How Top Companies in the US and Brazil Use Their Websites to Build and Maintain Relationships. In18th International Public Relations Research Conference(p. 262). Ng, C. S. P. (2013, June). Factors Affecting the Business Performance of Firms Utilizing Social Media. InPACIS(p. 237). Turban, E., Strauss, J., Lai, L. (2015).Social Commerce: Marketing, Technology and Management. Springer.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Oppression in Cuckoos Nest free essay sample
Native Americans. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†and â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†are similar due to the fact that they both metaphorically represent racism in the United States; it is clearly displayed through entrapment, subjugation of people, and prejudicial undertones used to limit the societal roles of those who face bigotry. The forced entrapment of Chief Bromden in â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†represents the forsaken lives of the Native Americans during the early part of the nineteenth century. Chief Bromden was taken prisoner in the mental institution simply because he was different and does not conform to the patterns of society. The mental institution can be related to the reservations that Native Americans were forced to live on during the nineteenth century because both imprisoned people simply for their differences not because they have committed a serious crime. During the nineteenth century society was changing, and ignorance was encroaching on the minds of the American people resulting is a large uprising against a multi-cultural society. As a response to this the government removed Native Americans away from civilization and forced them west simply because they did not fit in with the European culture that existed (Rohrborgh 543). The novel’s plot events can be a representation of the entrapment the Native Americans faced because Chief Bromden was deemed as unfit to be part of society and was kept imprisoned. Women during the early twentieth century faced just as much hostility and social barriers that the Native Americans faced during the nineteenth century; this oppression of women was displayed in â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†through Lucynell’s entrapment. Women during the twentieth century had â€Å"limited roles and social limitations,†(Super 1003), and because of this were metaphorically trapped inside their homes. The male dominance that existed during the 1950s kept women from being a part of government as well as taking part in the workforce. Following World War II, women who held positions such as editors and corporate managers were fired and replaced with men (Super 1004). The idea at the time was that the women’s place was in the home, to stay home and take care of the family. The historical information about women oppression goes hand and hand with Lucynell’s oppression in â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†because Lucynell had a physical handicap which limited her ability to do things around the house. This handicap represented the handicap that the women possessed during the 1950s’. Furthermore in the story Mr. Shiflet, the man, was given various task and responsibilities whereas Lucynell only available task was to keep to herself in the house. Nurse Ratched’s subjugation of the patients corresponds with the oppressive nature of the United States government. In â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†the patients including Chief Broodem were forced to live according to the rules and regulations as established by Nurse Ratched. She was the head nurse and that position gave her a great deal of power; she was in charge of all staff and patients and was able to manipulate everything that goes on in the hospital. Nurse Ratched’s dictatorship over the mental institution can be compared to the control that the United States government had over the Native Americans during the early twentieth century. For instance in the novel, when Chief explained the asylum’s procedures he says, â€Å"The chronics and the acutes don’t generally mingle†¦ it’s the way [they] want it (Kesey 21). †[They] represent those in charge of the asylum and displays their power over daily life in the mental ward. Nurse Ratched forced the patients to conform to her guidelines, such as when Chief was forced to sweep rather than live freely as he pleased. Chief like Lucynell in â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†does not have a voice to express his feelings or thoughts. This lack off voice can be compared to the Native Americans who were made by the federal government to give up their traditions of hunting and gathering and forced to farm. Both the government and Nurse Ratched did not allow for any intervening, and they forced upon their subjects a certain lifestyle. During the early twentieth century women did not control their own lives, it was controlled by society and they were expected to conform to society and follow its laws and patterns. In â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†Women were denied access to public power and the idea of women in the early 1900s was a perfect wife and mother, thus leaving their lives to be run by men (Bruccoli 324). Women of this time were voiceless, and this lack of voice is display in the story because Lucynell literally was a mute, and could not speak. Lucynell’s lack of a voice metaphorically represents the women who had no voice in the early twentieth century whereas Mr. Shiftlet does have a voice; he represents the men during the twentieth century. Lucynell has no say in whether or not to marry Mr. Shiftlet, similar to that of the women in that time when the parents arranged marriages for the children, and the women had no say in the matter. Lucynell was also torn apart from her mother never to see her again this happened to many women who married; after they got married they would become a part of their husband’s families never to talk to the family they grew up with again. Prejudice feeds on ignorance and hate; and this is what fed the movement against Native Americans during the nineteenth century. This ignorance and hate is displayed throughout â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†through prejudicial undertones. There was a instance in the novel were the patients go out onto a fishing trip and one of Ratcheds aides called Bromden illiterate because he was half-Indian. The statement made by the aid, which was in the quote `Why, who you spose signed chief Bromden up for this foolishness? Inniuns aint able to write. (Kesey 191) is an example of how the overseers had a feeling of superiority over Bromden. The statement used by the aide was used for the aide to disassociate herself from Bromden. The disassociation occurred during history through Native American stereotypes that existed throughout American History. During the first half of the century women in the United States were considered second class citizens, and were kept this way by men through prejudice and sexism. We see this represented in the story through Mr. Shiflet’s use of the word â€Å"lady†which he uses as a derogatory statement to dissociate himself from both female characters in the story; Mrs.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Beowulfs Universal Appeal Essays - Beowulf, Hrothgar, Nowell Codex
Beowulf's Universal Appeal There are archetypal patterns in life. They reoccur and become familiar to people through all ages and ethnicities. Throughout history, few literary works have captivated audiences by incorporating these patterns. The epic Beowulf is one literary work that effectively incorporates timeless components. The epic poem relates the tale of Beowulf, a warrior who throughout his life overcomes evils. It has strong elements of Anglo-Saxon elements of bravery, strength and of religious tenets. Beowulf enjoys universal appeal primarily because of its elements of characterization, plot and theme that prove timeless. Beowulf's portrayal of human nature proves eternal. The protagonist Beowulf brashly lists his accomplishments before entering battle: ?But the truth is simple: no man swims in the sea as I can, no strength is a match for mine? other monsters crowded around me, continually attacking. I treated them politely, offering the edge of my razor-sharp sword,? (265-294). His boasts are symbolic of his personal insecurity. Beowulf seems scared of defeat and faliure. His boastful remarks are reminders to himself of his invincibility. Because he is insecure, Beowulf is an accurate representation of human nature. The poem also discloses social behaviors through Welthow, who portrays appropriate submissiveness of a wife. Women in society and position always are hot topics for discussion in any country and time period. She is subservient to her husband and ? [pours] a portion from the jeweled cup for each, till [she] had carried the mead-cup among [the guests],? (354-372). Jealousy is a accurately p ortrayed in the poem. is a human attribute that will apply to any time period anywhere. In the incident with Unferth, for example: ?angry that anyone in Denmark or anywhere on earth had ever acquired glory and fame greater than his own?(236-238) tries to belittle Beowulf's claims to bravery, and, by doing so, adds realistic qualities to his character. Belief Divine or supernatural notions are also tendencies of human nature. The poem reflects this ageless concern through references to ?that Shepherd of Evil? (432) and ?[sacrifices] to the old stone gods? (90). These are both conflicting allusions to the two prominent religions of the time. One pertains to Christian ideology; i.e. ?The Almighty God? (493), and ?the Almighty making the earth? (8), and the other relates to Anglo Saxon religious beliefs; i.e., ?the omens were good? (118) and ?fate will unwind as it must,? (189). The poem alludes to Christianity, a monotheistic religion that rejects ideas of fate. On the other hand, ther e are rudiments of Anglo Saxon philosophy, pagan on account of its elements of fate. The conflicts in the epic between the two opposite beliefs reflect human nature's fickle notions and uncertainty in the belief in the divine. Additionally, the main character's attributes and conflicts would classify him as a ?messiah,? an archetypal pattern. Like Jesus and Moses, Beowulf, the epic hero, comes at a time of need and chaos in Herot, thereupon ending the chaos and destruction by killing Grendel and his mother. He comes after ?twelve winters of grief,? (62) and avenges evil by ?[purging] Herot clean,? (508). Just as Moses who was reluctant to die without seeing the ?promised land?, and Jesus who also was reluctant to die, Beowulf is ?unwilling to leave this world,? (738) or complete the final task at hand. Thus, Beowulf's constituents of supernatural and religious notions and realistic portrayal of human nature create a universal appeal that proves timeless. The epic develops the nature of the universal and reoccurring battle that men fight against evil. The three battles that occur at different stages of Beowulf's life imply that the battle against evil is repetitious. Symbolically the three battles are fought with evil: one with Grendel, one with Grendel's mother, and the third with the dragon. Grendel is decidedly evil because he ?was spawned in that slime, conceived by a pair of those monsters born of Cain, murderous creatures banished by God,? (20-23). Thus his mother is also of the same origin. The dragon as well is a great evil, whose breath ?[was] burning hot, poison [poured] from his tongue,? (672-673). The three battles are fought at different times of Beowulf's life, to symbolize the perpetual war men fight against evil. Beowulf previously fights various
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