Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Complete Guide to Probability on SAT Math + Practice Questions
Complete Guide to Probability on SAT Math + Practice Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A probability question asks you to identify how likely a particular event is to occur. How likely is it that you’ll pick a red marble out of a bag? How likely is it that a particular person will be chosen out of a lottery? How likely is it that two or more events will both occur? These are just some of the many different types of probability questions you may encounter on the SAT. This guide will take you through all aspects of probability you’ll need to know for the SATexactly what probability means, the typical probability questions you’ll see on the SAT math section, and the steps needed to solve them. Before You Continue Probability questions will show up on most SAT tests. The vast majority of SAT tests only have one questions out of the 58 math questions total, although you might very occasionally see a test with zero or two probability questions. So plan your SAT math study prep accordingly. If you are struggling to understand other fundamental sections of the math test, like integers or single variable equations, you will want to turn your focus there before you tackle this probability guide. The most important part of studying for the SAT is to focus your attention on topics that show up the most. This way, you can maximize your potential point gain per section. But if you already have a solid grasp of the other fundamental math topics (or you just really want to learn this section first), then let’s get cracking on probability! You'll learn SAT math tips and formulas to work through questions that deal with chance. Don't worry- I hear the probability of success is higher than you'd think. What Does Probability Mean? $\Probability = {\desired \outcome}/{\all \possible \outcomes}$ Remember this SAT math formula! Asking for the probability of an event is the same thing as asking for the â€Å"odds†of any particular event happening. And this probability is expressed as a fraction of: the likelihood of the event over all the outcomes possible. So how likely is it that you’ll get tails if you flip a coin? The chances are 1 in 2. 1 for the number of outcomes you want (tails) and 2 for the total number of possibilities (heads and tails). Let’s take a look at another example: There are ten students in the class. Every day, the teacher selects a random student to erase the board. What are the odds that Student A will be selected to clean the board today? The probability of Student A being selected is $1/10$. The desired outcome is 1 because Student A is only one student. And there are 10 students total, so there are 10 possible outcomes (students to pick from). Now what would happen if we had more than one possible choice as our desired outcome? What are the odds that either Student A or Student B will be selected to clean the board today? The probability is now $2/10$ (or $1/5$). Why? Because there are now 2 possible students to choose from, but the total number of students is still 10. Because the probability of any event happening is expressed as a fraction, it means that an event that will absolutely and without a doubt occur has a probability of $1/1$ or 1. There is no higher chance of it happening- this particular event will happen every single time, without fail. A probability of an absolutely impossible event, however, will be 0 because $0/x = 0$. You can also think of probabilities as percentages. If I select a red marble from a bag at a probability of $1/5$, it means that there is a 20% chance that I will select a red marble because $1/5 = 0.2$ or 20%. I'm gonna go with tails on this one. Either/Or Probability ${\Probability \of \either \event} = [{\outcome \A}/{\total \number \of \outcomes}] + [{\outcome \B}/{\total \number \of \outcomes}]$ (Note: this kind of probability is called â€Å"non-overlapping.†This means that the two events cannot both happen at the same time. There is a way to find an either/or probability for overlapping events, but you will never be asked to do this on the SAT, so it is not in this guide) As we saw above with our example of multiple students selected at random to clean a board, an either/or probability question asks how likely it is that either one of two or more events will occur. This increases the odds of our desired outcome because we do not care which of the two events happen, only that one of them does. To solve this kind of problem, we must therefore add the probability of each individual event. Their sum is the probability of either event happening. What is the probability of drawing either an ace or a queen from a deck of cards? There are 4 aces in a deck of cards and 52 cards total. Therefore, the probability of drawing an ace is $4/52 = 1/13$ (or 7.69%). There are also 4 queens in a deck of cards. So the probability of drawing a queen is also $1/13$. So the probability of drawing either an ace or a queen is $1/13 + 1/13 = 2/13$ or 15.38%. There are types of probability questions other than simple probability and either/or, but these are the only two types of probability that the SAT tests. Conditional Probability Very occasionally, the SAT will hit you with a simple conditional probability question. (I found one spread across all 8 free SAT practice tests). Conditional probability is the chances of an event (B) happening given that another event or condition (A) has already happened or been fulfilled. It's still simple probability- desired outcomes over total outcomes- but figuring out the correct number of desired vs. total outcomes can be a little tricky. Here's an example: There are 100 people working on a performance: 52 dancers, 12 stage technicians, and 36 musicians. Among the dancers, 14 are ballet dancers, 20 are jazz dancers, and 18 are modern dancers. What is the probability of selecting a ballet dancer from those working on the performance, given that the person selected is a dancer? It might seem like this is asking you the probability of selecting a ballet dancer (of which there are 14) from everyone working on the performance (of which there are 100). But actually, it's asking you the probability of selecting a ballet dancer from the dancers, because we are accepting as a given (as a condition) that the person we are randomly selecting is a dancer. We can tell this from the phrase "given that the person selected is a dancer." Thus, we must calculate the probability of selecting a ballerina (Event B) given condition A, that the person we select will be from among the 52 dancers. So the answer is $14/52$. You can identify conditional probability questions because they will say "given" or some other word or phrase to indicate that there is some precondition being met ("provided that," "assuming," etc.). Life would be better if there were a much higher probability of this actually happening Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Typical SAT Probability Questions Probability questions on the SAT will always be accompanied by a chart of some sort. Here's an example from SAT Practice Test 1: Dreams Recalled During One Week: None 1-4 5+ Total Group X 15 28 57 100 Group Y 21 68 100 Total 36 39 125 200 The data in the table above were produced by a sleep researcher studying the number of dreams people recall when asked to record their dreams for one week. Group X consisted of 100 people who observed early bedtimes, and Group Y consisted of 100 people who observed later bedtimes. If a person is chosen at random from those who recalled at least 1 dream, what is the probability that the person belonged to Group Y? $68/100$ $79/100$ $79/164$ $164/200$ There's no "either/or" or "given/assuming" in the question text, so we can conclude this is a simple probability question. This means we are looking for two pieces of information: the number of desired outcomes over the total number of outcomes. Let's actually start with our total number of outcomes: the text says we are choosing from "those who recalled at least 1 dream." So we need to figure out the total number of people (in either group) who recalled at least 1 dream. That's going to be everyone in both Group X and Group Y from the "1-4" and "5+" columns of the table. $$28+57++68 = 164$$ So our total number of outcomes (or the total number of people who remembered 1 or more dreams) is 164. You could also look at the "Totals" row at the bottom and add $39+125$ if that's easier for you. Now we need to know the number of desired outcomes. The question asks us the probability that our random choice from the group of people who remembered 1+ dreams is in Group Y. So how many Group Y individuals are in our group of 164 people who remembered at least one dream? We can figure this out by adding together the Group Y cells in the "1-4" and "5+" columns: $$+68 = 79$$ Our number of desired outcomes, then, is 79. If we put our desired outcomes (79) over our total outcomes (164) then we get $79/164$. Thus, the answer is C. I somehow don't think the odds are that much in my favor in this game.... How to Solve a Probability Question: SAT Math Strategies You will know if you are being asked for a probability question on the SAT because there will be a chart and the problem will ask you for the "probability of," the "proportion of," or the "odds of" one or more events happening. When you see those words, follow these two simple steps to solving a probability question: #1: Determine What Kind of Question It Is It's important to determine whether the question is a simple probability question, a conditional probability question, or an either/or probability question so that you know how to proceed. Remember, either/or questions will pretty much always have an "either" or an "or" in the question, and conditional probability questions will say "given" or "assuming" or some other word to indicate that there's some kind of condition or event preceding the probability you must calculate. #2: Simplify the Idea of a Probability Once you get used to working with probabilities, you’ll find that probability questions are often just fancy ways of working with fractions and percentages. This is especially clear in the SAT's format, which gives you everything in a chart. You typically just need to figure out which cells of the table to add together to get the desired outcomes and put that over the cells you need to add together to get the total number of outcomes that the question is asking about. The really important part is usually identifying what the total outcomes actually are and what the desired outcomes actually are. With odds of 37 to 1, how could you lose? (Answer: easily) Test Out Your Knowledge with SAT Math Practice Questions 1. From SAT Practice Test 3: Under 40 40+ Total Male 12 2 14 Female 8 3 Total 20 5 25 The table above shows the distribution of age and gender for 25 people who entered a contest. If the contest winner will be selected at random, what is the probability that the winner will be either a female under age 40 or a male age 40 or older? $4/25$ $10/25$ $/25$ $16/25$ 2. From SAT Practice Test 3: Left-handed Right-handed Female Male Total 18 122 The incomplete table above summarizes the number of left-handed students and right-handed students by gender for the eighth-grade students at Keisel Middle School. There are 5 times as many right-handed female students as there are left-handed female students, and there are 9 times as many right-handed male students as there are left-handed male students. If there is a total of 18 left-handed students and 122 right-handed students in the school, which of the following is closest to the probability that a right-handed student selected at random is female? (Note: Assume that none of the eight-grade students are both right-handed and left-handed.) $0.410$ $0.357$ $0.333$ $0.250$ 3. From SAT Practice Test 5: Teaching Research Total General Surgeon 258 156 414 Orthopedic Surgeon 9 74 193 Total 377 230 607 In a survey, 607 general surgeons and orthopedic surgeons indicated their major professional activity. The results are summarized in the table above. If one of the surgeons is selected at random, which of the following is closest to the probability that the selected surgeon is an orthopedic surgeon whose indicated professional activity is research? $0.122$ $0.196$ $0.318$ $0.379$ 4. From SAT Practice Test 7: (Grid-In Question) Number of Contestants by Score and Day 5/5 4/5 3/5 2/5 1/5 0/5 Total Day 1 2 3 4 6 2 3 20 Day 2 2 3 5 5 4 1 20 Day 3 3 3 4 5 3 2 20 Total 7 9 13 16 9 6 60 The same 20 contestants, on each of 3 days, answered 5 questions in order to win a prize. Each contestant received 1 point for each correct answer. The number of contestants receiving a given score on each day is shown in the table above. No contestant received the same score on two different days. If a contestant is selected at random, what is the probability that the selected contestant received a score of 5 on Day 2 or Day 3, given that the contestant received a score of 5 on one of the three days? Answers: B, A, A, $5/7$ Answer Walk-Throughs Practice Question 1: This is an either-or probability question, which we can tell because the question includes "either" and "or." So we'll be adding two simple probabilities together. The first probability is the chance of choosing a female under 40 at random from the group of people who entered the contest. There were 8 females under 40 and 25 entrants total according to the table, so our first probability is $8/25$. The second probability is the chance of choosing a male 40 or over. According to the table, there were 2 men 40 or over, and, again, we know that 25 people entered the contest, so our second probability is $2/25$. Now we need to add our probabilities together: $$8/25 + 2/25 = 10/25$$ Thus, the answer is B. Practice Question 2: Wait a second- the table isn't all the way filled out here! This is actually an algebra question and a probability question tied up in one. How can we figure out what goes in the table here? Well, we know that there are five times as many right-handed female students as left-handed female students. Let's say, then, that the number of left-handed female students is $f$ and the number of right-handed female students is $5f$. For the male students, we'll say that $m$ is the number of left-handed male students and then, per the problem, $9m$ is the number of right-handed male students, since there are 9 times as many. We also know that there is a total of 18 left-handed students and 122 right-handed students. This means that $$f+m = 18$$ and $$5f + 9m = 122$$ What we're really interested in here is the number of right-handed female students (which is our desired outcome), so let's solve for $f$. Per our first equation, $$m=18-f$$ So replacing $m$ with $18-f$ in our other equation, we get: $$5f + 9(18 - f) = 122$$ $$5f + 162 - 9f = 122$$ $$-4f + 162 = 122$$ $$-4f = -40$$ $$f = 10$$ Remember, $f$ is the number of left-handed female students, and the number of right-handed female students is $5f$ or 50. This means that our desired outcome (right-handed female students) is 50. Our total number of potential outcomes is going to be the total number of right-handed students, since that is the pool we are selecting from. That's 122. So the answer is $50/122$. In decimal form, this is 0.410. Thus, the answer is A. Practice Question 3: This is a good old simple probability question. We are selecting one of the surgeons at random, so the total number of potential outcomes is just the total number of surgeons- 607. And we want to know the chances that a randomly-selected surgeon is an orthopedic surgeon whose professional activity is research. Per the table, there are 74 orthopedic surgeons who do research. This means our probability is $74/607$ or, as a decimal, 0.122. So the answer is A. Practice Question 4: This grid-in question is both an either/or probability question and a conditional probability question. The condition is we are selecting at random among contestants who received a 5/5 on one of the three days. The question tells us that we can assume that no one got the same score multiple days, so we can assume that the 7 people who received 5s across the 3 days are all different people. Our total number of potential outcomes, then, is 7- not 20, the total number of contestants. Our desired outcome is the number of people receiving 5s on Day 2 or Day 3 (there's that either/or)! 2 people received 5s on Day 2, and 3 on Day 3. Our two probabilities that we are adding together, then, are $$2/7 + 3/7 = 5/7$$ The answer, then, is $5/7$. Whoo! Take your new probability knowledge and celebrate! The Take-Aways Probability questions can seem much trickier than they actually are. By taking the time to analyze what is being asked of you- what's really the desired outcome? How many possible outcomes are there really? Is this an either/or question?- and understanding that probabilities are simply fractional relationships of desired outcomes over all potential outcomes, you’ll be able to tackle SAT probability questions in no time. What’s Next? You’ve stacked the odds in your favor by mastering SAT probability. Now that you’re done, it’s probably a good idea to take a look at all the topics covered on SAT math. Don’t know how you could possibly finish a math section on time? Look no further than our article on how to buy yourself time and complete your SAT math problems before it’s pencils down. Want to get a perfect score? If you’ve already mastered your timing and score, it may be time to look at our article on how to get a perfect 800 on SAT Math, written by a perfect-scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Friday, November 22, 2019
Too Many Things To Write About
Too Many Things To Write About â€Å"If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at once and the same time, then I’m neurotic as hell. I’ll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.† - Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar A common complaint But writing anything is progressive. Even writing the wrong story, if there is such a thing. Putting words on paper, crafting plot, molding character, solving structure are all positive, advancing efforts in the evolution of a writer. All that time stressing and not writing is wasting time you could spend writing. I have a partial novel on a flash drive. I doubt Ill ever complete it, because Ive found other writing I love better. However, the weeks and weeks I spent writing those thirty thousand words taught me what I wanted and didnt want to write. It was an over-zealous project for me at that stage of my career, but the lessons were legion. I admire that unfinished piece as many stair steps toward what I ultimately published. Ideas. . . we all have them. Some of us incessantly ponder them in their heads. Others of us just write lists of them. Others carry through and complete the stories. Most of those stories wont see the light of day, will be rejected, or will simply become dead ends. But those writers. . . the ones who go through the sweat of crafting those ideas into words, will have taken the biggest strides forward. Those are the ones who will one day strike gold Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and heres to writing badly in order to find the good.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Midterm assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Midterm - Assignment Example They are the key elements that lead to so much variation in the physical and chemical conditions of different habitats. Temperature: It is one of the most relevant environmental factors controlling the type of organism that the ecosystem will support. The average temperature on land varies seasonally, decreases progressively from the equator towards the poles and from plains to the mountain tops. Temperature plays a very significant role in the metabolism and survival of the organisms. Water: Next to temperature, water is the most important factor influencing the life of organisms. The productivity and distribution of plants is also heavily dependent on water. For example, in deserts where water availability is very limited, only organisms with special adaptations to conserve water alone will be able to survive. Light: Sunlight is the main source of energy for the ecosystem and for the process of photosynthesis, by which plants produce food, can take place only in the presence of sun light. For many animals too, light is important in that they use the diurnal and seasonal variations in light intensity and duration (photoperiod) as cues for timing their foraging, reproductive and migratory activities. Biotic Factors The biotic components include all living organisms like plants, animals, fungi and bacteria of the ecosystem. The biotic components including the pathogens, parasites, predators and competitors – of the organism interact constantly with the abiotic factors of the environment for their survival. The biotic components modify their responses to changes in abiotic factors and maintain the balance of the ecosystem. 2. What is ecosystem function - in other words how does an ecosystem work? Ans. The components of the ecosystem are seen to function as a unit through the following aspects: (i) Productivity (ii) Decomposition (iii) Energy flow; and (iv) Nutrient cycling. The green plants known as the Producers or autotrophs trap the solar energy and conv ert simple inorganic materials into complex organic compounds or food. All animals depend on plants (directly or indirectly) for their food needs. They are hence called consumers or heterotrophs. The interdependency of organism for the requirement of food leads to food chain or food web. Based on the source of their nutrition or food, organisms occupy a specific place in the food chain that is known as their trophic level. The solar energy captured by plants flows through different organisms or different trophic levels of an ecosystem. The Organisms at each trophic level depend on those at the lower trophic level for their energy demands. When any organism dies it is converted to detritus or dead biomass that serves as an energy source for decomposers. Decomposers secrete digestive enzymes that breakdown dead and waste materials into simple, inorganic materials, which are subsequently absorbed by them. 3. Use the Diablo Range as an example of an intact ecosystem – Describe th e Diablo Range's abiotic and biotic components (including the Diablo Range location, topography, climate, plant communities, mammals & other organisms found there). Give details for each! Ans. Diablo mountain range is a classical example of an intact ecosystem. It is located in the eastern San Francisco Bay area south to the Salinas Valley area of northern California, the United
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Terrorist Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Terrorist Behavior - Essay Example One such study is how close terrorists live in proximity to where the terrorist act occurs. Many studies have been conducted to ascertain how close terrorists live with respect to areas they strike. One such was carried out by the National Institute of justice. In its study, it examined sixty terrorist cases that have hit the United States in the past twenty five yeas. The study revealed that terrorists live close to their targeted area (Smith, (n.d)). For instance, the study reveals that among the cases examined, terrorist lived within 30 miles from their targets. This was evident in a case study with respect to McVeigh the mastermind of September 11 terrorist attacks and Rudolph the mastermind behind the bombing of abortion clinic in Birmingham. In this case it was noticed that they lived closer to their target points before carrying out the attacks (Smith (n.d)). Preparation time is another question that lingers in the minds of many researchers. The study by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) reveals that terrorist acts do not just happen in a matter of days but instead goes through a number of strategic planning. For this reason, the finding showed that terrorists take several months or years before accomplishing their mission (Smith, (n.d)). With regard to the whether there is a difference in proximity and preparation for domestic and international terrorists, the findings showed almost similar pattern. In this case, the findings by the National Institute of Justice revealed that in both cases the proximity of the target point is close. For example according to analysis of survey conducted by National Institute of Justice, about half of domestic terrorist and close to three-fifth of international terrorists actually lived within thirty miles of their targets. This trend seems to make it easier for the terrorists to carry out intensive surveillance and other
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Understanding of Pain and Suffering Essay Example for Free
Understanding of Pain and Suffering Essay Everyone has a different perception of pain and what it means to one’s state of health. Pain can be physical or psychological; it can also be acute of chronic. All pains and aches are a maker of some type of suffering. My understanding of pain and suffering mainly comes from previous experiences of from my own state of discomfort and also from observation of patients at work. After reading book titled â€Å"The Anatomy of Hope†by Dr. Jerome Goodman, I realized how little I really knew about pain and suffering. This lecture contains many stories of the prevalence of pain for patients during the course of illness. In having studied these readings, a newfound understanding of how pain works in the lives of people who are struggling with health concerns has helped to illuminate how I can be a better health service provider. Helping patients to find internal hope and faith can aid them in their struggle for health and improved quality of life. In one of the chapters entitled, â€Å"The Right to Hope†, the author talks about his colleague, George Griffin, a specialist in treating stomach cancer who ironically gets diagnosed with a terminal case of stomach cancer. Against the odds, George undergoes intensive and painful treatments in order to fight the deadly disease. As a physician, George had knowledge about the severity of this condition, but as a human, he wanted to live. As a result of his determination, he gathered all of his strength and pushed himself through intense chemotherapy as well as suffering during recovery from the painful surgery. I think George’s view that â€Å"all of us have natural fear of death, but his belief in God and in afterlife assuaged it†played an important role in his decision to undergo the treatment (Groopman, 62). His will to live, faith in life, and struggle for what is good and healthy was an extremely powerful aspect of his own treatment, and I commend him for enlightening others about the powerful gift of spiritual faith and hope. George survived, yet he endured a lot of pain and suffering along the way. Furthermore, George wanted to prove that there is always â€Å"inherent of the uncertainty in the behavior of even the worst diseases†. By working through his own illness, he disproved the negative prognoses by his own strength and willpower. Also, he wanted to â€Å"spark hope that went beyond clinical truth†(Groopman, 78). George’s battle with cancer taught me that perhaps it is more difficult to beat the odds if they are familiar to a person, but in the end heritage and faith can go beyond clinical expertise and assist someone in the fight for life. George won his battle with cancer but he proved that it is worth it to have hope under even the most extreme circumstances and it is part of the human spirit to let miracles happen (Groopman, 81). Another valuable story which assisted me in understanding the terms of pain and suffering when a patient is initially resistant in the struggle for hope is also written by Dr. Groopman and is entitled â€Å"Step by Step†. The reading is about a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patient named Dan. He refuses all the treatment and does not want to have hope in his cure. We find out later in the story that Dan based his decision on personal experience from the past when his veteran friend lost battle to cancer in spite of all the pain, suffering, and struggling he endured during his stay in ICU. Dan did not have medical knowledge and he did not want to undergo the same suffering and complications as his friend who eventually died. As time is running out, Dan’s symptoms tend to worsen, illustrating the patient’s hopeless experience of illness, not just the biology of the disease (Groopman, 93). Things change for Dan when Dr. Groopman changes his approach and tries hard to lessen Dan’s fear. He presents him realistic outcomes and knowledge about the treatments. I think he did marvelous job by telling Dan that everyone reacts to treatments differently, allowing Dan the chance to hope, increasing his faith and supporting the possibility of recovery. Eventually, Dan accepts treatment in steps as part of bargain and notices improvement. I think that Dan suffered in watching his friend fight and die, so he did not want to have false hope and fail. However, the support of a good health provider can assist even the most resistant patient in finding internal hope and strength, the personal power to fight an illness. I learned from those two stories that it is how we approach the subject of pain and suffering which can either strengthen or weaken a person. Constructive and positive interaction can work wonders in helping to dissolve destructive and negative thinking, helping to increase the chances of success and the alleviating pain and suffering. I also learned that the way we understand a concept can be altered by many factors, for example like in Dan’s case previous negative of experience. Seeing suffering and death and the failure of treatments can instill a sense of fear and hopelessness in a person, however, it is important to note that fear and hopelessness will not be helpful to anyone. George’s story was going against the odds and accepting pain and suffering as part of the journey. In my opinion, a healthcare provider can’t always just focus on the clinical presentations, one has to explore deeper into a people’s souls to what really troubles them, what can possible cause a delay in recovery, and help the person to find a reliable source of strength.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Privilege of the College Experience :: College Admissions Essays
The Privilege of the College Experience At age four, I was a firewoman, fighting to save the spirits and possessions of those faced with devastation. Twelve short months later, my occupation mutated into the daring role of a policewoman working to keep the peace. Later, still devoted to the sake of betterment, I finished my fourth year of law school and took my bar exam with F. Lee Bailey and Johnny Cochran. Nothing more notorious than a thief seemed to cross my 10-year-old mind. Unpractical but whole and with an intense fancy, I lived one hundred lives. Emitting the wonders of life into the ornate dream of childhood, I sailed though the adult world as a na†¢ve foreigner. Inevitably, the misconceptions of childhood soon turned to red, green, yellow and orange and fell frailly from the tree of life. Now a chance for an even more colorful future has arrived: college. As a young adult, dissecting and analyzing every feeling, occurrence, or loss that I experience, then writing about it, has become a way of life. Throughout my high school years, I have experienced many "firsts." These firsts embedded in me much more than book knowledge: the friendships, the new responsibilities, the leadership roles. The new experiences turned my fire fighting days into adulthood. However, the fire fighting skills were never lost; each childhood and adolescent lesson has kept me from falling in flames, and similar morals gained in college will fulfill the same role in my adult life. These writings that I look back on not only remind me of why I would love the privilege of gaining a degree in (field of study), but also paint a picture of a blooming thirst for challenge and a hunger for success. The privilege of the college experience is the privilege of eating from the tree of life. Fortunately, I learned early in "law school" that love and hate have close ties. On the tree of life, good and evil grow from the same branch, and shape the world as they fall. Education is the ultimate teacher of these principles. After years of rain or shine, my childhood images remain vivid and my feelings the same, for each leaf is sprouting from that same seed of adventure - the very seed that has been nourished with experience and showered with responsibilities, and now grows with petals thirsting for the passion of their sun: college.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Federalist Paper No. 16
The Federalist Papers: Federalist Paper No. 16 Alexander Hamilton By Joshua Trottier HIST 146 Professor Bramson TTH: 2:15-4:45 Joshua Trottier HIST 146 Professor Bramson TTH: 2:15-4:45 In previous papers I have given you clear reason to support the union for your own benefit. I've presented the dangers that would follow, should the union that binds the states together, break. Finding the correct information can be difficult and it is my goal to help you understand the current status our union is in, in the best manner that can be done.I want to discuss the â€Å"insufficiency of the present Confederation to the preservation of the Union. †It could be asked what reason there is for someone to ask such a question that many men, friends of the new constitution or not, agree upon. This raises the truth of our situation to be acknowledged in order to keep clear of nearing anarchy. The people no longer speculate the facts of our situation, they have been accepted by the masses. The reality is that there were some defects in the scheme of our federal government, which has already been addressed by current members of the Union.Have we reached the final stage of our nation humiliation? There's nothing that could make our country feel any less of it self than it does now from what we are experiencing. Do we owe debt? Have we valuable territories under foreign control? Can we repel this in our current situation? We have no army, no money, and no government. Our country is experiencing many difficulties currently and this is what we have been given by the people who would now discourage us from the proposed Constitution, who have pushed us to the edge of an abyss.My men, let us stand up for our own security, our peace, our pride, and our reputation. Let us find the paths of prosperity. There's nothing wrong with the idea of an alliance or treaty between independent nations so long as their purpose is precisely stated, regulating every detail of time, place, circums tance, and quantity; making sure to leave nothing that could be up for debate between those who will eventually be living with that alliance.Contracts of this kind are apparent all throughout the globe, bringing with them times of peace or war, observation and non-observance, as the powers at head dictate. These treaties; however, if based on the idea of good faith for peace and justice, which goes against human nature, can be broken when the those who represent the people, act on impulses or immediate passion.Abandoning all prior beliefs towards a confederate government would bring the States into frequent battle among their neighboring States; however, If we take action to avoid this situation and readdress the design of a national government, then we would be presented with the opportunity to include in our plan those characteristics that differentiate between a league and a government. The ability to create laws, within the states, belongs to the identified government. If howeve r, these laws did not include sentences or penalties for being broken, then they would only serve as helpful tips or suggestions to the people.The sentences should bring some form of punishment for not doing what had been advised. In a society where the government works internally, will mean that every infraction upon the laws should involve a state of war; this is not a government and no person would freely choose it. It is also important to point out that within every political association that is formed in order to unite a group(s) of people there will that there will be those who want to break free from the common.This is nothing new though, it comes with the love of power. The enemy to power is almost always that power that is being inflicted upon. From this we have little reason to expect our representatives to act accordingly to what we have intrusted them with, for their actions are the result of human nature. What reason do we have to believe that they will in according; pu nctuality, a sense of fair play and good-humor, and to have an unbiased and open view of what the public is presenting them.If the confederacy cannon be achieved without the intervention from a particular administration then there is very little chance that they will achieve at all. Those who hold power over the respective members will take it upon themselves to judge every measure presented before them. They will consider such things as, monetary gain and lose, or their own personal interests before the interest of those who they represent. This will be done in ignorance towards national circumstances or State reasons which in order to have correct judgement, is required.How difficult would it be for sovereignties who participate with each other, from afar, during different times, and under different circumstances to participate with each other towards the same views and pursuits, to hold together if, for example, our popular assemblies are already so difficult to establish a compr omise without any outside source of pressure upon the representatives. Until the States figure out a better replacement for the current government, then congress can do nothing to help keep forms of administration. This situation we are in now did not come by happenstance but by the acceptance of propositions by the Union.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Business Psychology Essay
In this era of globalization, every organization must design its own strategy in terms of running its business at excellent level to survive and stay in competition. Trigger factors of higher demands that addressed to organizations are; emergence of free market which means that competitors are not only from the local market but also come from organizations all over the world, technological advances that developed rapidly over time also has role in higher demands that has been exposed to organizations in determining that everyone inside the organization must be compatible with the rapid development of technological advances at their workplace. Intense competition environment as already mentioned above certainly lead to tendencies for organizations in emerging innovations, creativities, enhancement of added value, service excellences, competitive prices and acceleration of process business plot as an objective to be â€Å"the winner†in competing with other organizations. A paradigm shifting in the design of the organizational strategies is necessary to be developed by organizations in order to survive in spite of the free market enforcement. One of the strategies that can be applied is building an effective team in the organization, the transformation in working method from individual to team work as the main focus must bring psychological effects for every individual in the organization. Every member in the organization is forced to be part of their team, regardless to their preference to work as individual or as a team. This phenomenon also brings the â€Å"domino effect†; each member in the organization will be evaluated not only for their field competencies related to their job performance, but also personal competencies related to perform effectively as a team member (team work competencies) will be evaluated by the organization. In the realization of forming an effective team, more than one strategy related to competencies in team building, which are parts of the business psychology area, must be combined in a synchronous way. Business psychology can be use as a source in designing and implementing an organizational strategy, especially for the accentuation in understanding individual behavior and self improvement basis when they are put and work together in a team. There some business psychology focuses that can be used in designing a strategy which at the end also can be used as references in building personal competencies needed in order to perform as an effective team. These are the beneficial focuses: 1. Perception and personal reality Every individual has cognitive limitation in responding to information that they received, as a result of that phenomenon, they are forced to pick information selectively regarding to which received information associated as valuable and which is invaluable, which data that will be taken to the next level of information process. Related to selectivity process, individual tend to use heuristic process, an information processing which characterized by incomplete usage of given data, only based on general issues and experiences, and all those information processed quickly. This information processing form has potential in bringing biases, misunderstanding, and inaccurate result in processing information. Based on the implementation of information processing above, in interacting with other individual, stereotypes and expectations emerged. Stereotyping is a judgment processing of someone that made only based on perceptions to the group where they can be categorized. Expectations from each individual not always positively responded by the other party where they are interacting with each other. Expectations also correlate with communication styles that will be used in interactions. 2. Team ship In building an effective team, many approaches must be used and collaborated in a synchronous way. Defining roles in each team member is an important aspect for balancing the roles of team members in order to optimize the team’s outcomes and coherence. One of the models that can be used in describing team roles in details is â€Å"team roles model†by Belbin : An effective team, in the process basis is characterized by these indication processes; active listening, sharing leadership, taking turn-not interrupting, positive reframing, rescuing eac other’s views, spontaneous and open praise and elaboration of ongoing ideas. In terms of their task performance, an effective team is characterized by these indication processes; analyzing, focus on results, reflecting, open rejection-goal oriented, open rejection-based on data, seeking opinion, seeking clarification and closure. There are some important key behavior in an effective team, such as: open communication, mutual respect, shared output responsibility, agreement through consensus, active disagreement, clear individual responsibilities and roles, subordinate own goals to group objectives, engender high team morale, receptive to new ideas and change, and constructive and supported feedback. There are two applicable models that can be useful in order to design the strategy for establishing an effective team, and they are: Jungian model and Tjosvold model. a. Jungian Model b. The Ideal Team System by Tjosvold Sharing organizational expectations, business strategies and visions, core values, organizational cultures and organizational objectives, can be defined as envisioning. Showing interest about team member’s visions, task clearances, valuing intercultural differences, and transferring the idea of the team ship’s paradigm importance are efforts in uniting the team. Bringing out loyalties, responsibilities, knowing potential of team members and assigning them based on that, and motivate them when they need motivation are characteristics in the empowering step. After being empowered, exploration in discovering problems and focusing on finding solutions can be established, diversities can be managed in finding the best solution, and all that will raise the team’s awareness to the importance of learning over time to have the upper hand in the market competition. After the best solution is reached, reflecting what the team has been through at every step of the cycle above can be very important as the source of any plan or step that needs to be revised on the next period in order to perform as an effective team. 3. Conflict resolution There are some causes of conflicts that usually appear in organizations: competition, scarcity of resources, interdependence/dependency, conflict in objectives and tasks, differences of opinion and of influence, differences in status, cultural differences, change, misperception, miscommunication, different ways of seeing things, personal preferences, pace of response, range of response and form of response, individual differences and emotional defenses. Traditionally, from all causes of conflicts that mentioned above, individual differences and emotional defenses are the main issues in organizations. In dealing with conflicts, there are three natural reactions that are usually expected from the individuals involved: striking back (leads to escalation, potentially damaging the relationship), giving in (usually results in poor outcome, can be seen as rewarding bad behavior), and breaking off (sometimes can be beneficial, often very costly, hasty and regretted). Regarding to conflict resolution, application of negotiation competencies can be very useful. There are five stages in negotiation process; orientation, position taking, search for solutions, crisis/deadlock, settlement and finalization. It is important to each team member to identify their position in those stages that are related in optimizing conflict resolution process. By knowing and sharing their each position, they can build the same perceptions in finding the best conflict resolution scheme. Principled approach is a combined technique in negotiation from soft and hard style of positional bargaining. In this approach, participants are problem solvers, the goal is a wise outcome reached amicably and efficiently, people and the problem must be separated, must be soft on the people and hard on the problem, independent of trust is proceed, the focus is on interests not the positions, interests are being explored, having a bottom line is avoided, options for mutual gain are invented, multiple options are developed, the use of objective criteria is insisted, a result is reached based on standards independent of will, there is tendency to be open to reasons and yield to principle, not pressure. Conflicts can lead to project delays, missed market opportunities, confused communication, inconsistent information, teams fail and difficult to retain good staff. Considering the effects of unresolved conflict, there are three category : first order effects (quantifiable) can be counted by employee replacement cost, including termination costs and recruitment, second order effects (harder to quantify) which can be observed by increased supervision or management activities , and third order effect (impossible to quantify) when its already revealed in passive aggressive behaviors. Look more: problem focused coping essay There are two types of conflict; task focused, which is characterized by differences of views and opinions, based on facts and reasoning, and related to intellectual matters. The other type is relationship focused conflict, characterized by anchored in personal differences, influenced by history/assumptions, and related to feelings and emotions. There is a model by Thomas Kilmann which explained deliberately about correlation between assertiveness and cooperativeness in dealing with conflict. 4. Decision making There are two types of decision making process that people tend to implement, they are: width (diverging) and depth (converging). Diverging type is characterized by some points; seeking options/strategies, works with multiple perspectives, requires more options, considering new ideas, combining options/lateral ideas, and creative suggestions. On the other hand, converging type is characterized by: seeking consensus, seeking clarification, seeking structure, review based on new information, analytical, making inferences, assess consequences based on data, strong defense of viewpoint, clear decisions and outcomes. The usage of both types can be based on the situation that the decision making processes is taking place in the organization. Combination of width and depth are expected and can be the best option in decision making process.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Using the Spanish Preposition Durante
Using the Spanish Preposition Durante The Spanish preposition durante has roughly the same meaning as the English during and is thus used in indicating what happens in durations of time. However, it is not used in exactly the same way as its English equivalent, and it is often better translated by the preposition for rather than by during. Durante is used most similarly to during when it takes a singular object: Durante febrero, las condiciones de sequà a empeoraron. During February, drought conditions got worse.El nivel del mar ha subido entre 10 y 20 cm durante el siglo XX. The sea level rose between 10 and 20 centimeters during the 20th century.Se recomienda la utilizacià ³n de gafas del sol durante el tiempo del tratamiento. The use of sunglasses is recommended during the time of treatment. Unlike the English word, durante is freely used with plural periods of time: Durante aà ±os ha ocupado la atencià ³n de nuestros medios de noticias. For years it has had the attention of our news media.Mantenerse en esta posicià ³n durante cuatro segundos. Stay in this position for four seconds.Durante muchos siglos los antisemitas odiaban la religià ³n de los judà os. For many centuries, anti-Semites hated the Jewish religion. When speaking of past events, the preterite progressive verb form (the progressive form using the preterite of estar) is used to indicate that something happened during the entire period of time. Thus Estuve estudiando durante los tres meses would be used to say, I studied for the full three months. But Estudià © durante los tres meses would mean only that I studied at some point during the three months.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Is a Sonnet The 6 Forms, Explained
What Is a Sonnet The 6 Forms, Explained SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You’ve likely read at least a few sonnets in English class, perhaps during a Shakespeare unit. But what is a sonnet exactly? Is there just one sonnet form? Did Shakespeare invent it? Read onto learn about the history of the sonnet and the various qualities that make up a sonnet poem, including the traditional sonnet rhyme scheme and meter. We'll also go over all the major types of sonnets, give you examples, and offer a handful of tips for writing your very own sonnet poem. What Is a Sonnet? Overview History A sonnet is a short lyric poem that consists of 14 lines, typically written in iambic pentameter (a 10-syllable pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables) and following a specific rhyme scheme (of which there are several- we’ll go over this point more in just a moment). In addition, sonnets have something called a volta (twist or turn), in which the rhyme scheme and the subject of the poem suddenly change, often to indicate a response to a question, a solution to a problem, or the resolving of some sort of tension established at the beginning of the poem. This turn normally happens closer to the end of the sonnet, though precisely when it appears varies depending on the particular sonnet form. Now, what about the history of the sonnet? Originating in Italy, the sonnet comes from the Italian word sonetto, meaning "little song" or "little sound." The oldest known sonnet form was invented by Italian poet Francesco Petrach in the 14th century. Called the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet, this sonnet structure consists of first an octave (eight lines of verse in iambic pentameter) and then a sestet (six lines). The rhyme scheme is abba abba; the rhyme scheme in the sestet can vary a little but is typicallycde cde or cdc dcd. But it is perhaps famed 16th-century English poet and playwright William Shakespeare who came up with the most well-known and easily recognizable sonnet form. In the Shakespearean or English sonnet, each line is 10 syllables long written in iambic pentameter. The structure can be divided into three quatrains (four-line stanzas) plus a final rhyming couplet (two-line stanza). The Shakespearean sonnet rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg. Many other sonnet structures have been invented by an array of poets (we’ll go over what these are shortly). In terms of themes, these days sonnets are most often associated with themes of love and romance, though topics such as death, time, and faith are not uncommon. Petrarchan vs Shakespearean: The 2 Main Sonnet Forms As I explained above, the two main types of sonnets are the Petrarchan (or Italian) sonnet and the Shakespearean (or English) sonnet. Before we go over both of these types in more detail, let’s take a quick look at some of the key similarities and differences between the two sonnet forms: Origin # of Lines Iambic Pentameter? Structure Rhyme Scheme Volta Petrarchan Sonnet Italian 14 Yes An octave and a sestet abbaabbacdecde OR abba abba cdc dcd Between the eighth and ninth lines Shakespearean Sonnet English 14 Yes Three quatrains and a rhyming couplet abab cdcd efef gg Between the 12th and 13th lines Portrait of Francesco Petrarch Petrarchan Sonnet The Petrarchan sonnet is the original sonnet structure developed by Italian poet Francesco Petrarch. To reiterate, here are the main characteristics of this sonnet form: Structure: An octave followed by a sestet Volta: Happens between the eighth and ninth lines Rhyme Scheme: abba abba followed bycde cde ORcdc dcd Let’s look at an example of a classic Petrarchan sonnet. The following poem was written by famed 19th-century English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Sonnet 43, commonly referred to as, "How Do I Love Thee?" follows the Petrarchan sonnet rhyme scheme of abba abba cdc dcd: Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (a)I love thee to the depth and breadth and height (b)My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight (b)For the ends of being and ideal grace. (a)I love thee to the level of every day’s (a)Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. (b)I love thee freely, as men strive for right; (b)I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. (a)I love thee with the passion put to use (c)In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. (d)I love thee with a love I seemed to lose (c)With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, (d)Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, (c)I shall but love thee better after death. (d) In this highly romantic Petrarchan sonnet, the speaker is enumerating the many ways she loves someone. The octave stresses the all-encompassing love she has for this person, while the final sestet- where the voltaappears- presents a subtle comparison between the speaker’s present passions and "old griefs," or prior struggles in life. Title page for Shakespeare's sonnet collection, first published in 1609 Shakespearean Sonnet The Shakespearean sonnet is arguably the most famous sonnet form and was developed by William Shakespeare, who wrote more than 100 sonnets using this structure. Here are the main characteristics of the Shakespearean sonnet: Structure: Three quatrains followed by a rhyming couplet Volta: Happens between the 12th and 13th lines Rhyme Scheme: abab cdcd efef gg Now, let’s take a look at a particularly well-known sonnet written by William Shakespeare: Sonnet 18, or what is more commonly referred to as "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?" Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (a)Thou art more lovely and more temperate. (b)Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, (a)And summer's lease hath all too short a date. (b)Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, (c)And often is his gold complexion dimmed; (d)And every fair from fair sometime declines, (c)By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed; (d)But thy eternal summer shall not fade, (e)Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, (f)Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade, (e)When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st. (f)So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, (g)So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. (g) This eloquently written poem perhaps best encapsulates the Shakespearean sonnet form. Here, Shakespeare compares the transient beauty of a young man to a tranquil, warm summer day. The volta, as we know, appearsin the final rhyming couplet and is the point at which Shakespeare confidently declares the young man’s youthful beauty will forever live on- evenlong after he dies- through these very words. 4 Additional Forms of the Sonnet Poem While thePetrarchan and Shakespearean sonnet forms are indisputably the most famous and most popular kinds of sonnets, several other sonnet structure typesdo exist. These include the following, each of which we’ll go over in more detail below: Spenserian sonnet Miltonic sonnet Terza rima sonnet Curtal sonnet Portrait of Edmund Spenser Spenserian Sonnet The Spenserian sonnet is a sonnet form named for 16th-century English poet Edmund Spenser, who introduced this structure in his 1595 collection of sonnets titled Amoretti. The Spenserian sonnet is extremelysimilar to the Shakespearean sonnet.The main difference is the rhyme scheme: whereas the Shakespearean rhyme schemeintroduces a new rhymein each quatrain, the Spenserian sonnet carries over the latter rhyme from the previous quatrain in a chain rhyme: abab bcbc cdcd ee. Like both the Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets, Spenserian sonnets are normallywritten in iambic pentameter. Here is an example of a Spenserian sonnet, written by Edmund Spenser himself. Sonnet III is taken from Spenser’s Amoretti: Sonnet III (Amoretti) by Edmund Spenser The sovereign beauty which I do admire, (a)Witness the world how worthy to be praised: (b)The light whereof hath kindled heavenly fire (a)In my frail spirit, by her from baseness raised; (b)That being now with her huge brightness dazed, (b)Base thing I can no more endure to view; (c)But looking still on her, I stand amazed (b)At wondrous sight of so celestial hue. (c)So when my tongue would speak her praises due, (c)It stopped is with thought's astonishment: (d)And when my pen would write her titles true, (c)It ravish'd is with fancy's wonderment: (d)Yet in my heart I then both speak and write (e)The wonder that my wit cannot endite. (e) Portrait of a young John Milton Miltonic Sonnet The Miltonic sonnet was named for 17th-century English poet John Milton, who is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost. While this sonnet form is mostly the same as that of the Petrarchan sonnet (it uses the Petrarchan rhyme scheme of abba abba cde cde), Miltonic sonnets use enjambment to offer a more compact, interconnected presentation of the thoughts being expressed. (Enjambment is when a sentence, thought, or phrase continues beyond a line in poetry without pause.) Another key difference between the two sonnet forms is theme: Petrarchan sonnets tend to focus on love and romance, whileMiltonic sonnets are often about faith or political/social matters. The following Miltonic sonnet, titled Sonnet 19 or "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent," is one of Milton’s most famous sonnets: Sonnet 19 by John Milton When I consider how my light is spent, (a)Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, (b)And that one Talent which is death to hide (b)Lodged with me useless, though my Soul more bent (a)To serve therewith my Maker, and present (a)My true account, lest he returning chide; (b)"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?" (b)I fondly ask. But patience, to prevent (a)That murmur, soon replies, "God doth not need (c)Either man’s work or his own gifts; who best (d)Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state (e)Is Kingly. Thousands at his bidding speed (c)And post o’er Land and Ocean without rest: (d)They also serve who only stand and wait." (e) Terza Rima Sonnet The terza rima sonnet is named for a poetic convention called terza rima, which is a three-line stanza that uses a chain rhyme (the carrying over of the rhyme used in a previous stanza). The rhyme scheme of the terza rima sonnet is aba bcb cdc dedfollowed by a rhyming couplet that usually echoes the first rhyme of the poem: aa. Here is an example of a terza rima sonnet written by renowned American poet Robert Frost. The poem is titled "Acquainted With the Night": "Acquainted With the Night" by Robert Frost I have been one acquainted with the night. (a)I have walked out in rain- and back in rain. (b)I have outwalked the furthest city light. (a)I have looked down the saddest city lane. (b)I have passed by the watchman on his beat (c)And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain. (b)I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet (c)When far away an interrupted cry (d)Came over houses from another street, (c)But not to call me back or say good-bye; (d)And further still at an unearthly height, (a) / (e)One luminary clock against the sky (d)Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. (a)I have been one acquainted with the night. (a) Gerard Manley Hopkins Curtal Sonnet The curtal sonnet is a shortened, or curtailed, version of the sonnet invented by 19th-century English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins. Unlike the majority of sonnets, the curtal sonnet does not strictly abide by the 14-line rule; rather, it maintains the overall proportions of the Petrarchan sonnet by contracting two quatrains in the octet into two tercets (three-line stanzas) and the final sestet into a quintet (five-line stanza). The final line of the quintet (and the sonnet as a whole) is much shorter than other lines and is called a "tail" or "half-line." As a result, the curtal sonnet can be described as being either 10.5 or 11 lines long. The curtal sonnet rhyme scheme is abc abc followed by dbcdc ordcbdc. What's more, this sonnet formuses a type of meter called sprung rhythm, which differs from iambic pentameter in that each line starts with a stressed instead of unstressed sound and (usually) contains four stressed syllables. One famous curtal sonnet written by Hopkins is "Pied Beauty." This sonnet uses a rhyme scheme of abc abc dbcdc: "Pied Beauty" by Gerard Manley Hopkins Glory be to God for dappled things- (a)For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; (b)For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; (c)Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings; (a)Landscape plotted and pieced- fold, fallow, and plough; (b)And ll trdes, their gear and tackle and trim. (c)All things counter, original, spare, strange; (d)Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) (b)With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; (c)He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: (d)Praise him. (c) How to Write a Great Sonnet: 6 Tips Now that we’ve answered the question, "What is a sonnet?" and explained the main variations of the sonnet poem, it’s time to try writing one for yourself! In this section, we'll give you our six best tips for writing a great sonnet. #1: Read Lots of Sonnets The first step to writing a great sonnet poem is to get more acquainted with sonnets and their characteristics as a whole,including how they sound in terms of both rhythm and rhyme, what kinds of themes and subjects they focus on, and what types of volta they employ. You could start by browsingsome of the most famous sonnets by Shakespeare and Petrarch, for example, especially if you’re interested in writing a more traditional sonnet. Another option is tosearch for sonnets in online databases, such as Poets.org. On this website, you can search for a specific sonnet or poet, or browse all available sonnets by choosing "Sonnet" under "Forms" and letting the page load. I recommend reading several sonnet forms (not just Shakespearean!) so you can get a better feel for the sonnet structure you like best andwould prefer touse for your own sonnet. #2: Think of a Topic Once you’ve gotten morefamiliar with the various sonnet structures, it’s time to think of possible topics and themes you could write about in your sonnet poem. Traditional sonnets are love poems, but you shouldn't feel limited to romance. Many people have written sonnetsthat discuss things such as faith, social or political matters, tensions or problems, mundane situations, etc. You don’t even have to choose a serious subject- it could be a sarcasticor ironic sonnet if you so wish! Ultimately, the topic you want to write about in your sonnet is entirely up to you. You can write about anything for your sonnet- even this adorable fox! #3: Choose a Sonnet Form to Follow Once you have an idea for what you want to write about, you'll want to start seriously considering the sonnet form you believe will best fit the vision you have for your sonnet poem. For example, if you strongly prefer poems that don’t have as many pauses and sound a lot more like dialogue, the Miltonic sonnet structure would be a solid choicedue to its use of enjambment. Or, if you find it hard to write 14 rhyming lines, the curtal sonnet might be a good sonnet form to try working with. If you’re not sure which sonnet structure you want to use, try your hand at starting a few different forms to see which one seems to come more naturally to you and to the poem itself. #4: Befriend a Thesaurus A huge part of sonnets is being able to use words that rhyme (or mostly rhyme, as we'll discuss more in the next tip). This can be pretty difficult, especially if you’resticking with the traditional iambic pentameter meter. If you ever get stuck or just want to browse possible words that share a certain meaning, use a thesaurus. Many online versionsexist; I suggest usingThesaurus.com or the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus. A thesaurus will not only help you find words that better fit the topic, meter, and rhyme scheme of your sonnet poem, but will also improve your vocabulary so that you won’t have to rely as much on a thesaurus in the future when writing a sonnet. #5: Don’t Worry About Rhyming Words Perfectly Many people think they have to find perfectly rhyming words in order to write a good sonnet, but this isn’t necessarily true. Although sonnets dotypically have a strict rhyme scheme- whether that’s the Petrarchan rhyme scheme, the Shakespearean rhyme scheme, or something else- many sonnets use words that are NOT perfect rhymes. For instance, let’s look back at the first four lines in Browning’s "How Do I Love Thee?": How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (a)I love thee to the depth and breadth and height (b)My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight (b)For the ends of being and ideal grace. (a) Becausethis sonnet uses the Petrarchan rhyme scheme, "ways" should rhyme with "grace," but by sounding out these two words, we can immediately tell that they aren’t actually perfect rhymes. The "s" sound in "ways" is more like a "z" sound andclearly differs from the "s" sound pronounced at the end of "grace." This type of rhyme is called an assonant rhymein that while the vowels are the same (that "ay" sound in the middle of both "ways" and "grace"), the consonants are different. Another rhyme you could use in your sonnet poem is a consonant rhymein which the vowels are different but the consonants are the same (e.g., ball and bell, faith and death). The point here is that although rhyming is an important part of the sonnet form, this rule, too, can be bent to better fit the overall image you wish to paint. #6: Don’t Be Afraid to Mix Things Up Our final tip is to be brave when writing your sonnet poem- don’t be afraid to mix things up! Even though the traditional sonnet structure follows a strict pattern in its meter and rhyming, you don’t need to follow any of these if you so choose. Generally speaking, poetry welcomes rule-breaking and creativity, so feel free to try to come up with your own sonnet form or ways to improve upon the traditional sonnet structure. For example,you could develop a new rhyme scheme or try out meters other than iambic pentameter. Just remember that if you change the sonnet form too much, it might not be identifiable as a sonnet anymore, so think about whether that’s a risk you’re willing to take. Oftentimes, the risk is worth the reward. Key Takeaways: What Is a Sonnet? As we’ve seen, there isn’t a simple answer to the question, â€Å"What is a sonnet?†A sonnet can inhabit many different forms depending on things such as the rhyme scheme, length, and meter used. In general, though, here are the main characteristics that define most sonnets: Number of Lines: 14 Meter: Typically iambic pentameter Rhyme Scheme: Petrarchan (abba abba cde cde or abba abba cdc dcd) or Shakespearean (abab cdcd efef gg), among many others Unique Qualities: Contains a volta (twist or turn) closer to the end of the sonnet Common Themes:Typically love and romance but also faith, time, personal emotions, and social/political matters The major sonnet forms are the Petrarchan (Italian) sonnet and the Shakespearean (English) sonnet. Other sonnet forms include the Spenserian sonnet, the Miltonic sonnet, the terza rima sonnet, and the curtal sonnet. Writing a sonnet poem entails a lot of preparation. Once again, here are oursix tips for writing a fantastic sonnet: Read lots of sonnets Think of a topic Choose a sonnet form to follow Befriend a thesaurus Don’t worry about rhyming words perfectly Don’t be afraid to mix things up Now, get out there and start reading (and writing) some sonnets! What’s Next? What is iambic pentameter exactly?This guide explains what the most common poetic meter is and how you, too, can write a poem using it. Whether you're writing a sonnet poem or a story, you'll likely want to use some literary devices to make your writing stand out. Learnhow imagery can bring color to your writingand get a vast list of 100+ words you can use to set the tone of your story. What is personification? Get all the info you need on this useful literary device with our guide.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Response papers Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Response papers - Movie Review Example Rain Man is an American drama movie produced in 1988. It narrates the tale of two brothers, one a selfish, abrasive young man (Charlie Babbitt), and the other an autistic savant (Raymond Babbitt). As the tagline states, it is â€Å"a journey through understanding and fellowship†(Internet Movie Database, 2015). Charlie is in the middle of a financial crisis and finds out that his father has died and handed down the multimillion-dollar family estate to his other son. He is only left with his late father’s car and rose bushes. He investigates where the money is directed and discovers it is sent to a mental institution where his brother (whom he never knew) lives. Charlie wants to get control of the money by attempting to become his brother’s legal guardian. They commence on a long trip back to Los Angeles by road and on the way they discover they actually enjoy each other’s company. By the end of the movie, it is evident that Charlie has changed his attitude towards life and love, in general. The main theme expressed by the movie is that people can change to accept the disabled in our society. It also shows that the disabled possess rare abilities, apart from the shortcomings that other people impose on them. For instance, Charlie discovers that Raymond is an autistic savant; he has an excellent memory and amazing mathematical capabilities. The movie is about change. Unlike his elder brother, Raymond, who remains the same throughout the movie, Charlie transforms from the self-centered young man to one who loves those close to him and sees things from their perspective. The plot shows that the problem lies not in the disabled but the society. The movie is very similar to the article Confronting Ableism by Thomas Hehir. He claims that changing our attitude and approach in dealing with the handicapped is the solution to end stigmatization. Potok (2002) is of the same idea. We need to change how we label people with disabilities and accept
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