Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Origin Of Gypsies English Language Essay

The Origin Of Gypsies English Language Essay This report will explore the origin of Gypsies, their traditions, culture, and discrimination associated with them. By the end of this report the unique traditions and general culture of the Romani, generally known as Gypsies will be evident. Throughout the centuries, Roma (Gypsies) have been misunderstood by society. Due to their unique and indifferent culture, traditions, and lifestyle. Other cultures have become suspicious and fearful of them. This led to furious speculation, stereotypes and judgment of these misunderstood people. In general, most Europeans presume that Gypsies originate from Romania and although this is not the case, the image of the Romanian people has been maligned for decades. Background Roma (Gypsies) do not originate in Romania or Egypt as is the common belief. The Romas are a nomadic tribe originating in India. In the second half of the 18th century evidence from scholars shows that Gypsies come from northern India. Professor Lub Kalaydjieva of the University of Western Australia and his team did a DNA study of eight to ten million people in Europe known as Gypsies. They have ten years experience studying Romani genetics. They discovered that Romani (Gypsies) originate from India. Another indication that Gypsies come from India are the similarities between Indian language, Sanskrit and the language spoken by the Roma. Language, numerals, kinships terms, names of body parts, music and similarities exist between Indian and Roma. Tradition Traditionally, each Romani family or clan has a trade or profession which is followed and passed on from generation to generation. One of the things Romani are known for are of their skilled trades. Horse dealers and horse breeders are one of them. They could diagnose the illnesses of horses and find ways to heal them. They also are known for their ability to change horse shoes. The Roma also established a good name for themselves by being very skilled blacksmiths. This was one of the oldest and the mainstay of Romani trades. Today not many Romani are committed to blacksmithing but rather making candle holders, mountings, latticework and many other artistic objects. Another well established profession for the Roma is that of a coppersmith. They are well known for their master craftsmanship and currently make pots and tin caldrons. In Romania, Hungary and other Balkan countries they still practice the wood carving profession they brought with them from India. Carving utensils like spoons and troughs for people that are in need of them. A spoon maker in Romania and the Balkans is called Lingurar. Croatia and Hungary they have a different name for a spoon maker, called Bejas. Among other trades such as; leather workers, bear and snake trainers, sharpening knives, making unfired bricks from clay, musician, farmers and other trades they had to master to make a living. It seems surprising to some that some Romani are educated and in highly regarded positions. There are some among us today that have established careers for themselves such as; doctors, lawyers, car mechanics, computer programmers and so on. Culture Engagement One of the Romani traditions is to get married at the age fifteen. To distinguish between non married and married women is to notice that married women have their head covered with a cloth called Batic. The Batic (head-kerchief) represents the symbol of married women. The first step to get married is for the boys parents to send a messenger to the girls parents house with all kinds of gifts. Typically, the girls parents receive wine and money. Once the messenger arrives at the house he confronts the girls father and lets him know who he was sent by. The messenger asks the father if he approves of his daughters marriage. Once he approves the wedding, than he informs Council. The Council is the older man in the community. The girls father asks the council if they approve as well. If they do, than the messenger has to offer to buy all the people in the community drinks. To settle the wedding day the boys parents and relatives go the girls house, except the groom. In the Roma community t here are some strict rules that it must be followed for the marriage to go on. If the father of the bride is not wealthy, he has right to demand money for his daughter. It all depends on the beauty of the bride. If his quantity is not met, than he has the right to call off the wedding. If the father of the bride is wealthy, he doesnt have the right to inquire for any money. Normally upscale people stick with their own kind. They wed their kids with a wealthy family. On no account a poor man will ever ask for bori (daughter in law) from a well-off man. In some cases the mans poor daughter gets married with a wealthy man only if the boy finds her very attractive. The future in-laws negotiate the girls contributions before the completion of the engagement. The following are the normal gifts that the girl gets from the future in-laws: 50 skirts of 5 m long each 50 aprons of 2 m long each skirts of 3 m long each 50 handkerchiefs 50 shirts Three large pillows of 1m stuffed with goose feathers A big necklace with gold coins The smallest necklace has ten golden coins on it. Gradually the necklace gets bigger with gold coins depending of the wealth of the brides father. Usually a necklace will never reach 100 golden coins. Other contributions may be presented such as; various cooking pots, plates, carpets furniture. It is the obligation of the mother of the bride to give her daughter everything that is needed for her new home. The Wedding day For the first day of the wedding, one woman from the brides side and one from grooms side are to help dress the bride with her white dress. Not just any woman can be picked from any sides. They had to have the following criterias; not to be married more the once, she had to be a virgin on her wedding, be wealthy, hard worker, have kids and have unity in her family. The wedding lasts minimum of 3 days to a week eating, drinking and dancing. In this day and age, some Roma enclose their weddings at restaurant having two hundred to three hundred guests. All the wedding guests give gifts to the newly-weds. Once the wedding is finished the bride has to cover her head with a scarf. The only person she is permitted to show her hair to is her husband. These traditions are practiced within many Roma communities, but unfortunately in big towns and cities these traditions are slowly disappearing. Baptism Another Roma tradition is baptism. Once a woman knows she is pregnant she informs her husband and other women in her clan. She becomes isolated and taken care of only by the women. Normally, the pregnancy takes place in someone elses tent, trailer or house so their own home doesnt become sinful. After two weeks or three the baptism takes place. The child is purified by the water at the baptism. Only after the ceremony, people then are allowed to say the childs name and take any pictures of the child. Romani Holocaust Isnt it extraordinary that the majority of us never heard of the Romani Holocaust? Is it because it was not brought to our attention like the Jewish Holocaust? Maybe the education in school has a small part to do with it or the mass media. We all know about the Jewish Holocaust one way or another. The Holocaust started between 1933 to 1945 when Adolf Hitler was in power, and annihilating of more than six million Jews. Jews were the main target but besides them another 5.5 millions of others such as Romani, Sinti, homosexuals, and others that were against Nazi regime, were mass murdered. History shows that Gypsies were hated and persecuted as much as the Jews. In 1935 a new Law came into effect called Nuremberg Law. This Law was created to forbid any Gypsy marriages with white people. In January 1940 at Buchenwald a concentration camp was established. A tragic month, were two hundred and fifty Romani kids are used as experiment the cyanide gas crystal. August 2nd and 3rd of 1944, it w as one of the horrifying days of the Romani history, were several thousand Romani were massacred at the Zigeunerlager in Auschwtiz-Birkenau concentration camp. The number of Romani massacres is unknown due to lack of documentation. Scholars estimated to be between 250,000 to 500,000 thousand, but it could be more. Not many survived as prisoners of war. If they wouldnt die from starvation, they passed away from diseases or brutality. If not killed from the medical experiments they were submitted to, they would die from poisonous gas or execution. Nazis developed a system to speed up the process of the mass elimination. They made six more extermination centers by which they could mass murder people by gas and body disposal threw cremating their bodies. It is sad to say, that 70% to 80% of the Romani population had been annihilated by the Nazi regime by the end of the war in 1945. Population There are more than twelve million Roma located in many countries around the world. Unfortunately, it is hard know the exact numbers of Roma population in the world. Due to the discrimination people fear to disclose their true identity as Romani. Discrimination Romani people have been discriminated throughout history and still nowadays their situation it has not gotten any better than before. They are not given the equal opportunity to advance in our society. Most of us do not know very much about Romani traditions, culture, and history. Therefore, most of the stereotypes come from the stories and the mass media. The discrimination that is still happening all around the world but mostly in Europe is as strong as ever. This has stopped Romani people to get access to jobs, social security systems, services and housing. One incident that occurred in the Czech Republic was highly publicized on CBC News. A young man at 17 year of age, walking home was confronted by prejudiced group of skinheads. Threaten him by saying today he will die. He was thrown on the ground and insolated and beaten so badly that he had to be hospitalized for a week. Now 24 year of age and living in Hamilton, Ontario the victim is happy not to worry that someone will jump him when walking down the street due to his nationality. Discrimination continues to occur in Europe like Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovakia and others countries through segregation. There are established separate schools only for Romani children. In other words, they are branded as Gypsy schools. Where there is low standard of teaching and poor material conditions. Governments around Europe need to change policy to end educational segregation of the Romani people. Romani children need to receive equal opportunities in education as the non Romani students so they can achieve the same or better goals in life. Without the right education, they are not able to succeed in our society. With a good education they will be able to succeed through better careers and opportunities, thereby being able to support themselves and their families. Conclusion I believe no race or human being should be discriminated against. We all deserve the right of freedom and equal rights. We should all take some time to read and explore and understand about one another culture and traditions. Lets not be judgmental and jump to conclusions of what we hear in our mass media these days. We are all humans, and we all make mistakes one way or another. Some more than others and some less. If some people from the same nationality like Romani make mistakes and break the law by stealing, mugging, or other acts of violence. We should not stereotype and conclude that all the Romani people are the same. They deserve a chance to show that they are better than what they are exploited by others.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Ameritrade Case

Rickets believes hat the investment carries a lot of risk that requiring a more in-depth financial justification as opposed to Marinade's existing financial policy. Through initial discussions with Mr.. Rickets, we have agreed upon a financial analysis, adopting the CAMP model, to calculate the cost of capital of the investment. Mr.. Rickets & his management team will then make a sound financial decision basing on our analysis results. According to our agreed plans, Mr.. Rickets has specifically requested us to perform the following three tasks and provide our recommendation accordingly. . Briefly discuss the asset beta and CAMP model, and explain the steps for computing the asset beta and CAMP to produce the cost of capital for the Investment project. II. Mr.. Rickets is aware that Marinated does not have a beta estimate due to short trading history, and demands us to hand pick comparable firms that will be valuable In assessing the risk of Marinade's planned Investment. Ill. Using the supplied financial data to calculate the asset betas for the comparable firms. L. Definition of Asset beta.Beta represents a measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or a oratorio in comparison to the market as a whole. It is also known as â€Å"beta coefficient†. And Is calculated using regression analysis. It represents the tendency of a security's returns to respond to swings in the market. Beta can be calculated by dividing the covariance between the return on the asset and the return on the market and the variance of the market This relationship is represented by the following formula: Levered versus unleavened Beta.Unleavened Beta compares the risk of an unleavened company to the risk of the market. The unleavened beta Is the beta of a company without any debt. Enlivening a beta removes the financial effects from leverage. The formula to calculate a company's unleavened beta is: This number provides a measure of how much systematic risk a firm's equity has when compared to the market. Enlivening the beta removes any beneficial effects gained by adding debt to the firm's capital structure.Comparing companies' unleavened betas gives an Investor a better Idea of how much risk they will be taking on when purchasing a firms' stock. Levered Beta, on the contrary, represents market risk of the investment taking into consideration market risk of the debt. Definition of CAMP (Capital Asset Pricing Model) CAMP is a model that describes the relationship between risk and expected return and that is used in the pricing of risky securities. The cost of equity is approximated Premium). Definition of the cost of capital.The cost of funds used for financing a business. Cost of capital depends on the mode of financing used – it refers to the cost of equity if the business is financed solely through equity, or to the cost of debt if it is financed solely through debt. Many companies use a combination of debt and equity to finance their businesses, and for such companies, their overall cost of capital is derived from a weighted average of all capital sources, widely known as the weighted average cost of capital (WAC).Since the cost of capital represents a hurdle rate that a company must overcome before it can generate value, it is extensively used in the capital budgeting process to determine whether the company should proceed with a project. Steps in calculating Beta for Marinated: With the above explanation, the cost of capital for Marinated is, calculated by the CAMP model, will be using the three major steps: 1. Determine the Ref (risk-free rate) hat best reflects the market 2. Determine the Asset Beta for Marinated 3. Determine RMI (market-return rate).We will decide on the Ref and RMI with the supplied return data (Historical and current). On the other hand, we will diligently pick the best comparable firms, and then calculate the covariance between the past returns on the comparable firms and the return on market portfolio. Lastly, we produce a beta estimate by dividing the covariance (previously calculated) by the variance of the market. Market stock returns for indices such as NYSE, AMES and Nasdaq, which present the weighed average of all US publicly traded firms, are available in Exhibit 6 of the case.The returns are presented for the time period of 1984 to 1997. Returns on comparable firms in the Investment Services industry are also presented in the same exhibit. It is important to point out that the firms presented are full-service brokerage firms and are less sensitive to market movements than Marinated due to the fact that deep-discount brokers such as Marinated do not engage in asset management and investment banking services like full-service brokers do. Marinade's revenue stream is fully dependent on its brokerage operations.Given the above, we suggest to calculate covariance between each one of the four investment services firms presented and the market as a whole represe nted by the indices provided. Next step is to divide each of the results from step one by the market variance calculated based on the indices presented in Exhibit 6. In essence, we have calculated Betas for each of the four comparable firms. Then we would calculate an average of the four betas to use as an estimated Beta for Marinated. However, as motioned above, Marinated has a more volatile business model than full service investment firms.Therefore, we need to increase the resulting Beta by some estimated factor in order to be able to represent corresponding market risk more accurately. II. In determining the appropriate comparable for Marinated, we ran into a challenge of finding a direct comparison in both operating risk and capital structure risk. In this analysis, we are making the assumption that Marinated will need to take on some debt in order to fund the additional investments in to technology and marketing squired.We decided to look at three types of companies for as pot ential comps for Brothers, Merrill Lynch, etc. ) 2) Discount Brokerage Firms (e. G. Charles Schwab, E*Trade, Quick & Reilly Group, etc. ) 3) Internet Companies (e. G. Macromedia, Netscape, Yahoo) Operationally the full service brokers don't share the same level of risk as Marinated. Marinade's business is very sensitive to the performance of the stock market since almost all of their revenue is generated through brokerage. During a market decline, investors tend to decrease investing activities, thus Marinade's venue suffers.The full service brokers have less sensitivity to the overall market because the also offer other services, such as asset management and investment banking. The higher operating risk associated with discount brokerage firms, including Marinated, would lead to higher betas in comparison to the full service brokers. In comparing the capital structure of the other discount brokerage firms, Marinated will have more risk (requiring a high Beta) since they will be car rying debt (other than Charles Schwab (. 25) Debt-to-Capital, none of the other discount brokerages carry debt).We do feel that Marinade's competitive advantage over the other discount brokerage firms comes through technology (more specifically reliable internet based transactions), so using other internet based companies as comps makes sense. But, like the other discount brokerage firms, the other internet comps carry no debt, so the financial risk is going to be lower in comparison to Marinated. In order to determine the best comps, we decided to take a mull-faceted approach. For one, we determine the statistical significance (analysis is later on in this report) of each of the betas to eliminate some of the comps.Through that analysis, we determined that E*Trade, Macromedia, and Netscape did not have enough history to be statistically significant. To further narrow the list, we also determined that Charles Schwab Corp. and Waterholes Investor Services were the most comparable fir ms since they both are discount brokerage firms with a very significant percentage of revenue and coming from brokerage (99% for Charles Schwab and 82% for Waterholes) and they also both have debt (currently Waterholes has no debt but has historically) in their capital structure. As far as full service brokers, we feltRaymond James Financial and Paine Webber were good comps. Both firms had a large percentage of revenue coming from brokerage (51% for Raymond James and 46% for Paine Webber) and both firms carry some debt (especially Paine Webber) in their capital structure. We also decided to throw in Yahoo as a comps since Marinated is largely an internet based company. In the end, we determine an average of Charles Schwab Corp., Waterholes Investor Services, and Yahoo made the best beta estimate. Ill. An important component of analyzing Marinade's cost of capital is to use the betas of comparable firms.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Failure of Gatsby’s American Dream

The Failure of Gatsby’s American Dream In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is portrayed as being an admirable, wealthy, kind, and genuinely impressive man. However, that being said, he is also portrayed as pretentious, deceptive, criminal, and most importantly to the plot, completely insatiable. Even though the novel’s narrator, Nick Carraway, heavily sympathizes with Gatsby, he has many character flaws that ultimately assure the failure of his â€Å"dream†, and even lead to his untimely demise. The first bit from the novel that demonstrates Gatsby’s inability to be content, is the fact that he is not Jay Gatsby. It is learned about halfway through the novel that Jay Gatsby from California is actually a man names James Gatz, who comes from Chicago. The fact that Gatsby fabricated his past and lives his life under an alias shows that he is unable to be content even with his own origins. To go through the trouble of making up an entire past for himself rather than simply revealing the truth shows that either he was too ashamed to tell of his family for his financial background, or as is more likely, he found it to be boring. By very nature, Gatsby craves excitement and adventure. In order to make himself seem more exciting and adventurous, he became Jay Gatsby. After examining that, it’s best to look at Gatsby’s chosen vocation. Although Gatsby claims to have his money from being born of a wealthy family from the West, he is later revealed to have earned his money from the illegal business of manufacturing and selling bootlegged liquor. Seeing Gatsby use criminal means to achieve wealth and the â€Å"American Dream† demonstrates how desperately he wants to be taken seriously. Using his fake persona and fool-proof criminal processes to get wealth and social status means to him that most certainly, he could not be looked down upon or judged for being born of a lower class family and not having any of his own wealth to speak of. Working in the criminal underground also means, however, that he would make very few social connections, and have few true friends, bringing me to my next point. Gatsby desperately longs for personal relationships. This is apparent in everything from the way he desperately clings to his love of Daisy to his willingness to allow Ewing Kilspringer, whom Gatsby barely knows, to sponge off him and virtually live at his mansion. Since the adventure and excitement of his fake persona and his criminal lifestyle are not enough to satisfy Gatsby, he figures that the only way to obtain true happiness would be through interactions with people, who can be around him and always admire his accomplishments and somehow complete him. However, Gatsby is unable to make social connections because of his own social awkwardness, which as becomes more and more apparent, he compensates for with his wealth and possessions. The best example of this is Gatsby’s parties, in which the guests all have an excellent time, and know of Gatsby, but know almost nothing about him, even to the point where nobody seems to know where he even came from. Gatsby’s awkwardness and fear of real people causes him to close himself off even at his own parties, and hope that somehow the good time people have will make them admire him more (which, oddly, seems to work). The desire for intimate personal relationships becomes Gatsby’s own version of â€Å"The American Dream† which manifests itself most strongly in his â€Å"love† for Daisy Buchanan. Daisy and Gatsby were briefly lovers before Gatsby was sent off to the First World War. Having been the last person who Gatsby felt any true emotions toward, Daisy becomes the object of his desire, affections, and now, his energy and will to achieve. Gatsby’s dream however is crushed by the realization that Daisy is not the ideal person who he thinks she is. Since Gatsby is a lover of fantasy and exaggeration, he holds all people to an impossible standard of how he thinks people should be, even himself. The real Daisy is almost too shallow to really love, as is most evidenced by the way she is so emotionally moved by some silk shirts that Gatsby has, calling them the most beautiful things she has ever seen. Despite the fact that Daisy is not who Gatsby wants her to be, he clings to her, either realizing his impossible standard, or so far into his delusion that he is unable to see her as anything but ideal despite her major character flaws. Beginning an affair, the two plot to stand up to Daisy’s abusive husband Tom, and run away together. When the plan finally has the chance to come to fruition, however, Daisy is unable to tell Tom that she does not love him. The reason for this is not because Gatsby is undeserving, but because he is so insatiable, and unstoppably ambitious to the point that he doesn’t know what he truly wants, that he is unable to actually achieve anything that might make a true difference in his life. Tom on the other hand, while rude and pushy and genuinely unkind, knows exactly hat he wants and has no problems in simply taking it. After a car crash kills Tom’s lover, Myrtle, Gatsby attempts one more act of gallantry in order to prove his worth and determination. He takes the blame for Myrtle’s death in an attempt to save Daisy, who was really to blame. As Gatsby stops to finally take in all that he has accomplished, and finally appreciate what he has (symbolized by him f inally using his pool) he is murdered by George Wilson, Myrtle’s husband who then takes his own life. Oddly enough, after Wilson’s murder/suicide, the reader is then struck by the striking similarities between Wilson and Gatsby. They both tired of being taken advantage of, they both loved a woman who was not real, and they both longed for true companionship. The only difference is that one of them was able to achieve greatly on a more worldly level, which despite his large personal shortcomings, made him into that person of his own creation that he had so desperately wanted to be: The Great Gatsby.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Creative Writing A Short Story - 1192 Words

â€Å"Do you often come here?† he asked as a way of restarting a conversation that hadn’t really started in the first place. â€Å"No, not particularly.† â€Å"Live round here?† â€Å"Uh huh.† â€Å"Close?† â€Å"Close enough.† Martin nodded wisely, though Nina saw right through him and into his vacant thoughts, vacant except for one thing. Her vagina. If only his penis had been occupying a similar position in her own mind. One of the barmen swept past on the other side of the bar, a cloth in one hand to mop up spilt beer and a fixed expression of mild bemusement on his pleasant features. Nina would have liked it if he had winked at her or made some other form of non-verbal communication that verged on a written invitation as he passed. He didn’t, but then he was†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Can I ask your name?† â€Å"You can.† She smiled. He didn’t. â€Å"It’s Nina.† â€Å"Nice name,† he said, and waited. She didn’t return the question, and he didn’t proffer an answer. Best to remain anonymous anyway. â€Å"So what do you do?† he asked. â€Å"I’m divorced,† she replied, as if that was sufficient explanation. Then she added, â€Å"Sorry, I’ve got a one-track mind. I’m a teacher.† â€Å"Primary or secondary?† â€Å"Secondary.† â€Å"Fancy any of your students?† â€Å"That’s inappropriate.† â€Å"Do you?† â€Å"Maybe. The older ones.† â€Å"Not the babes in arms, then?† He laughed. And she laughed, suddenly realising that maybe he wasn’t all that bad after all. This meant one of two things, either that she was growing increasingly desperate and had lowered her standards or that he had been merely nervous to begin with and that those nerves had contorted his features and distorted his patter. Their chatter continued, growing less desultory by the minute – or the quarter of an hour. She’s warming up, he thought at one point only to think minutes later that she was cooling down again. No, I’m definitely warming up, Nina thought as the level in her glass dropped and the world began to seem less oppressive andShow MoreRelatedCreative Writing : A Short Story1020 Words   |  5 PagesThe girls sat seperated in two stark, cold rooms. Each of the girls was sat at a table with a clear plastic cup of water sitting at arm’s length from them, both cups untouched. How could they drink when their best friend was no where to be seen? They had been having an innocent night of fun at Mercedes’ house three weeks ago, the first of many planned for the spring break, watching movies on Netflix and eating a pizza they ordered. The night was full of rambling about how classes were, drama floatingRead MoreShort Story : Creative Writing1550 Words   |  7 PagesIn the woods when the sun was just starting to set, there was a van driving on a long-abandoned road, behind the wheel of said van was a tired looking girl who seemed to be about 19. 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