Types of essay writing examples
Friday, September 4, 2020
The Power of Togetherness Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement
Presentation Promoting sportswear may appear to be simple †insofar as game exists, there will consistently be popularity in the given specialty. In any case, Adidas was one of the principal organizations that chose to speak to the general crowd, hence, opening more open doors for the organizations creating sports clothes.Advertising We will compose a custom evaluation test on The Power of Togetherness: Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The given advance, be that as it may, likewise made the way for various difficulties, which Adidas battles productively in such plugs as the promotion of T Max 6 shoes. Depiction In their notice of T Max 6 shoes, Adidas furnishes a picture of a lobby with a scope of storage spaces, two sets of shoes, the red ones in the closer view and the white ones on the left and on the correct side of the red pair. Out yonder, a gathering of individuals can be seen. In the focal point of the ad, a sub title saying â€Å"Together we can†runs in what should help to remember a written by hand note. Examination Setting As it has been worried above, Adidas plainly puts the stake on both athletic entertainers and normal residents, which the notice shows in an extremely realistic way. From one perspective, the setting, with storage spaces and a long lobby, can unmistakably be characterized as an exercise center in any event. Accordingly, athletes are being tended to. In any case, the outlines of the individuals out of sight are ambiguous to the point that they could be for all intents and purposes anybody, from Dennis Rodman and Michael Jordan to any individual from the intended interest group. In this way, the watcher can undoubtedly envision himself among sport stars and, therefore, identify with the promotion and the item being referred to. Messages No issue how unclear the foundation may be, however, one can spot effectively not one, not two, yet at any rate three individual s strolling in an orderly fashion. An apparently minor detail from the start, on a hesitation, the given component of the business gives off an impression of being the most significant piece of the promotion, not just in light of the fact that it influences the crowd on a subconscious level, yet in addition since it requests to people’s need to be a piece of society, which the catchphrase in the subtitle emphasizes and, therefore, reinforces.Advertising Looking for evaluation on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For various reasons, individuals strolling in line are the sort of a clichã © that consistently renders the heartstrings of the crowd in the correct manner. Maybe, it is the feeling of being a piece of a solid group of individuals who mean business and realizing that there are dependable individuals prepared to help any of their individuals that influences the crowd. Anyway, the obscur ed picture of a group meaning genuine business happens to be probably the most grounded part of a commercial, which addresses people’s requirement for companions and backing. At the end of the day, the commercial basically shouts to the crowd, â€Å"If you wear our shoes, you will have solid and steady companions and be an individual from a team†; and, truly, not many individuals can oppose such an offer. Shading cast Finally, the decision of shading and its course of action in the ad should be referenced. It was shrewd of Adidas to utilize just a single forceful shading in the image; with the remainder of the hues restrained, crimson shoes in the frontal area say something of their owner’s constancy an achievement. Another unconventional part of the shading cast concerns the manner by which the palette was masterminded in the image. With one red shoe in the forefront and the second one out of sight, the ad offers the crowd inquisitive visual rhymes. The impress ion of evenness becomes considerably more grounded as the watcher sees two comparable white shoes on the left and right from the red one. At long last, the cunning utilization of light additionally fills its need, making the significant components noticeable and leaving the spots that the audience’s creative mind should work with in the shadow. Despite the fact that putting the item, i.e., the shoe, in the spotlight may appear to be dated, in the given business, it seems, by all accounts, to be very regular, perceiving how the business makes the crowd center around what hides in the shadows significantly more than on what is at the center of attention. Crowd One of the numerous significant insights concerning the way Adidas advances its items is that it never focuses on a particular crowd. Valid, sportswear is intended to be reasonable for the most part for the individuals who take up sports; in any case, Adidas was the first to stretch the limits and ask an inquiry for what good reason others couldn't wear lively clothes.Advertising We will compose a custom evaluation test on The Power of Togetherness: Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More therefore, in addition to the fact that Adidas appeals to a general crowd of no specific economic wellbeing, their age extending from five to ninety, yet in addition figures out how to make being energetic and trim popular. Synopsis Although at first, sportswear was intended for a specific arrangement of clients, i.e., the individuals who took up sports, Adidas made an advancement by speaking to each and every individual from the general public, in this manner, making taking up sports alluring to everybody. Such advancement of sports is particularly clear in the given notice, perceiving how it doesn't show athletes expressly, just dropping clues at a games setting. With a â€Å"Together We Can†catchphrase tossed into the frontal area, the organization of fers to people’s sentiment of solidarity and fellowship, in this way, making the premises for being bolstered by a group of fans rather than people, which makes the organization even more compelling. This appraisal on The Power of Togetherness: Adidas and Its Brand New Advertisement was composed and put together by client Kane Mendoza to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essay - 4
PC Sciences and Information Technology - Essay Example They additionally elucidate how the finale of the Cold War blinded the nation to the need to handle these issues basically, and how China’s informative victories, modern matchless quality, and mechanical inclination cause America to think back the manners by which that used to be America at a certain point. They additionally explain how the loss of motion of America’s political structure and the whittling down of basic American standards made it unreasonable for the country to execute the strategies. These are strategies that the country critically requires. This is a volume that digs into the noteworthy issues affecting America (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p.3). The huge problems sketched out in the volume unfavorably go up against the American country, and consequently; light up on the need to teach the work power. This is critical in this age of quick globalization and extraordinary headways in data innovation. Moreover, there is likewise need to overcome the war on ari thmetic which has ceaselessly driven the nation’s uncontrolled cut on incomes and disregard the impact of shortages and the raising obligation trouble. The fighting on material science has additionally brought about the across the board rebuke of the real factors of the vitality plan and environmental change techniques. There is additionally the political impasse that is as a result of cash in political issues. Moreover, there is the nation’s inability to put resources into major logical examination. Moreover, this is a result of inability to deliver critical foundation and to execute and support sound enactment of the business sectors. This subsequently includes onto the difficulty of globalization (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p. 183). The significance of globalization is the unhindered development of people, things and administrations. This thought dispersed from the U.S. to different countries. The country delighted in enormous monetary progression. Be that as it may, the nation didn't cook for the effects of this globalization. With respect to globalization and mechanical headway, occupations and individuals’ vocations have been energized. This polarization has come about into annihilation of routine, center aptitude occupations holding high ability vocations just which request broad instruction and various low pay employments. These employments, nonetheless, can't be mechanized. In any case, the creators don't conceive the likely sensational headway of innovation in the moving toward decades (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p. 10). The two creators, in any case, significantly accept that the rejuvenation of American noticeable quality is reachable and conceivable. They clarify how, America’s account, when accurately grasped, gives a five-section system to thriving that will improve America to adapt viably to the current issues. They give lively profiles of people who have not lost expectation on the American propensities for chivalrous i dea and noteworthy activity. They suggest a clear way out of the pickle into which the American country has fallen. This procedure additionally involves the rediscovery of a portion of the nation’s essential standards and customs. Also, they cultivate the commencement of a novel, outsider upheaval to spike the country. This volume is both a sharp investigation of the American circumstance today and an invigorating project for American rejuvenation. The volume starts by differentiating a six-month task to fix two lifts at New Jersey train terminal with an eight months activity in China.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare the strategies and goals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movements Essay
Throughout the entire existence of the American social equality development, two original figures rise: that of the serene and peaceful Martin Luther King, Jr., and the progressive and radical Malcolm X. From these two differentiating pictures, America didn't have the foggiest idea how precisely to order the development. On one hand, Malcolm X lectured autonomy and a â€Å"by any methods necessary†way to deal with accomplishing uniformity in America. Furthermore, on the other, King lectured a peaceful, insubordinate way of thinking like that of Gandhi in the accomplishment of Indian freedom prior in the century. While most understudies know about King as a social liberties pioneer, most are similarly clueless about the effect of Malcolm X in the African-American battle for fairness and opportunity. And keeping in mind that there is a lot to gain from the two differentiating ways of thinking and ways to deal with change of each man, there are repeating themes that join them: t o be specific, a consolidated strictness with political authority that transformed into an interest for social and financial correspondence. Notwithstanding their disparities, King and Malcolm X spoke to a similar reason, and with the accomplishment of the development, left a comparable heritage to ages of Americans looking for change time permitting. Notwithstanding, from a relative point of view, one can't envision a social liberties development without the strategies King supported, or an effective development portrayed by the sort of brutality and scorn pushed by Malcolm X. At the point when one is solicited to think from a correlation between two other options and which of the options is â€Å"better†, one should envision which option would create the better result. A superior result in any battle for political change is one not described by across the board brutality. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s adolescence and youthful adulthood were exemplified by his work inside the framework, accomplishing flourishing through training and thinking, not through the rough battle for presence like on account of Malcolm X. In King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†discourse, he welcomes the audience to envision a future wherein Black kids have an equivalent open door at accomplishing thriving through training and hard word: a case of an equivalent possibility not accessible around then. Accomplishing this necessary peaceful methods steady with the standards King received through his time contemplating Gandhi and common defiance. Ruler approached ind ividuals to be insubordinate for the reason for racial equity, though Malcolm X approached individuals to be viciously forceful'†in restriction to any sort of portrayal of white power'†for the reason for Black force. Unlike King, Malcolm X’s message didn't pass on a message of uniformity, yet of contemptuous lashing out against an establishment with the ability to squash vicious restriction. Like Gandhi, King astutely perceived the viability of defying the framework as a methods for evolving it. Savagely assaulting the framework would just welcome brutal assaults back, and would, at long last, exacerbate the issue for Blacks. While Black militancy is reasonable given Malcolm X’s history and his impression of the issue besetting Blacks at that point, the better methods for accomplishing Black rights was through peacefulness: explicitly, blacklists, exhibits, and walks. Dr. Lord invited interest from all individuals, including whites and different minorities, not at all like Malcolm X. In recorded reflections on the social equality development, it took the two Blacks and whites (working inside the white force structure) to accomplish the ideal result. For example, white New Yorkers Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were executed by Klansmen in Mississippi chose to explore the consuming of a Black church. Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a white mother from Michigan, was executed by Alabaman Klansmen in 1965 when she attempted to help Blacks in the South (Maxwell). A large number of whites worked for Black opportunity: an ideological move bolstered and empowered by the sorts of strategies Dr. Ruler supported. T he equivalent can't be said of Malcolm X, who broadly commented that white individuals were â€Å"a race of devils†(Lomax 57). What white individual would be urged to work for social equality given such an adversarial comment? Albeit Black militancy was significant with regards to the whole social equality development, the retaliatory tenor of Malcolm X’s message made certain to cause restriction from the foundation. The message was likewise significantly collectivistic and an absolute opposite of the American estimation of independence (McTaggart). His assemble for Blacks to come made a development for Black communism in a sort of deliberate isolation. As it were, this invalidated the point of the social equality development, and, missing of the endeavors of other, less oppositional pioneers, would have most likely compounded the difficult confronting Blacks in America. Driving the Black people group to stay isolated from whites all in all could have proceeded with the assessment among bigot Americans that Black individuals are not equivalent to white individuals. Dr. Ruler, inâ contrast, unswervingly pushed for a social soul in America: causing to notice the imbalances he saw in various zones of society. As opposed to expecting these disparities existed and not causing open to notice them, Dr. Ruler made it his job in the development to challenge social presumptions about the spot of Black individuals in America. Regardless of Malcolm X’s huge effect on the development, his message was not one of balance, however of counter for imbalance. Albeit both Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were transformational pioneers who were instrumental in raising open attention to an issue of disparity, just King’s techniques could have been fruitful in realizing the ideal result of the development. Applied to the development all in all, Malcolm X’s theory of rough reprisal would have exacerbated the difficult Blacks looked at that point, compelling the white foundation to build abuse and isolation of the Black people group. Since King’s procedures were effective in testing the foundation, Blacks accomplished various social equality not already accessible to them. The sort of change pioneer King speaks to is an uncommon image, and the motivation he gave to Black individuals to change despite everything moves individuals to make progress toward balance and opportunity. Works Cited Lomax, Louis E. At the point when the Word is Given†¦: A Report on Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the Black Muslim World. New York: Greenwood Press, 1979. Maxwell, Bill. White companions of social equality. 20 January 2008. 27 April 2010 . McTaggart, Ursula. The Oratory of Malcolm X. February 2006. April 2010 .
Issues That the Jerusalem Council Debated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7
Issues That the Jerusalem Council Debated - Essay Example The goals was conveyed to all Christians. The Jerusalem board is a model to the congregation today. There have risen numerous strict sections in Christianity today. These sections have varied in their lessons on submersion. A few gatherings have faith in sanctification by inundation while others keep up that the measure of water doesn't make a difference for up to one pronounces confidence in Jesus. Discussions on sexual direction and articulation have negatively affected the congregation. This distinction some of the time declines into open ill will and clashes. Today’s church ought to gain from the manner in which the Jerusalem board would deal with issues calmly and with exchange (Elmer 89). While in Rome, Paul fell into difficulty with the Jewish seniors and boss clerics. The older folks and ministers bound Paul when he would not quit lecturing about the restoration of Jesus, yet he was spared by the authorities of the head before they hurt him. At the point when he was taken to Emperor Felix and accused of prompting individuals and causing tumult, he safeguarded himself by clarifying that the individuals were just irate with him for lecturing about the restoration of Jesus. Felix would not like to dig into Paul’s case. He put him in detainment until he left Caesarea. Festus his replacement came to control (Harrison 57). He returned to Paul’s case, and he schemed with Paul’s adversaries to hand him over to them so they hurt him in the falsification of moving him to Jerusalem to attempt him there. Be that as it may, Paul declined, and when he showed up before Festus and King Agrippa, he begged Caesarea as a Roman resident. He charged that he had not repudiated any roman or Jewish law, yet he was just educating about the revival of Jesus.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Odyssey :: essays research papers
1. Does the Odysseus of these books appear to be changed in character from the Odysseus of Books V †XII? Provided that this is true, why? In the books 5 to 12 Odysseus’ character doesn't generally experience any changes starting with one feature then onto the next. Odysseus despite everything conveys similar characteristics and attributes directly all the way to the finish of the story. It is, in any case, clear in book 22, when Odysseus delivers his retribution upon the admirers, that we see a very surprising side to Odysseus’ character. Both these two focuses will be tended to in this answer. Toward the start of the Epic, Odysseus is introduced as a bold and courageous man who regularly considers his home, spouse and child. He is a character that adores narrating, which likewise incorporates lying easily. Odysseus â€Å"the man of numerous resources†never shows signs of change in his manners all through the remainder of the Epic, as he stays steady to all his previous qualities. Along these lines clearly Odysseus is a truly steady saint who acts and thinks in a similar way constantly, much like any human. Be that as it may, there is a turn to this discussion, as in Book 22 when he battles the admirers and wins we do see a totally different side to the character of Odysseus. In this book, Homer presents Odysseus to us as a heartless and un-excusing character one who has everything set on wrecking everything he can. Odysseus could essentially be depicted as coldblooded. We see this specifically when Odysseus â€Å"stuck Leodes full in the neck.†Leodes had submitted to Odysseus yet he was honored with no desire for acknowledgment as Odysseus had just chosen the suitor’s destiny. This is a serious change in the manner that Odysseus is depicted in the various <a href=http://www.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Preparing for the real world
Preparing for the real world Hey folks, TGIF! I got an email from Tanya 10 earlier this week, who said that she wanted to write up a little entry about how GEL prepared her for life outside of the MIT bubble. I love hearing other students take on this program because its one of those you get what you give sort of experiences, so different people take away different messages. Matt 11, another GEL, was featured in the winter 2011 issue of MITs Spectrum newsletter that goes out to friends and supporters of MIT. I agree that the hands-on approach helps this program stand out from all my lecture-based classes! Anyway, Tanyas text begins below. Enjoy! ================================================= It could have been any number of early mornings my freshman year at MIT. There I was, slaving over a 18.02 or 8.012 pset at 3AM, being really no closer to finishing than I was a few hours earlier. On his way through the lounge, one of the upperclassmen in my dorm stopped by to comfort me. “Don’t worry,†he said, “After this, the real world will be easy.†I heard that sentiment echoed many times during my years at MIT from anyone from second-term freshmen to recent alums returning to regale us with tales of life after graduation. For most of my time at the Institute, I fully believed them, using their optimism and encouragement to convince myself to pull through just one more all-nighter. The problem is, being a recent graduate myself, I’m not entirely convinced they were right. The problem with psets and labs are that they are confined, defined problems with a predetermined solution. You know when you have reached the “right answer,†and the problems are intentionally designed to be solved by one or two people, ideally of the same background and skill set. Ask anyone from the “real world†how realistic that situation is and chances are you’ll be greeted with a mixture of laughter and sympathetic looks. MIT does the best job in the world for preparing you for the technical challenges you will face in industry, and if your future job involves sitting in a cubicle solving well-defined problems fed to you by a benevolent manager, then you’re in luck because the “real world†will probably seem pretty easy compared to your time at MIT. However, for the vast majority of you who will work in teams made of people with diverse backgrounds on problems that are both ill-defined and complex, you may find that MIT only gave you a few pieces of the puzzle. That’s why it’s so great that programs like GEL are becoming part of the MIT curriculum. GEL very much fills a hole left by traditional coursework, and that’s how to deal with all the parts of your job that aren’t solitary technical problem-solving. To highlight this gap, I’ll give an example from my own post-MIT experience. When I started grad school, my first (and still ongoing) project was part of an industry collaboration with my lab and involved running a coordinated study across four countries, all of whom would have their own quasi-independent operating teams. One of those countries is China, and there have been a lot of unanticipated complications arising both from the language barrier and cultural differences. Each of the teams also wanted to pull the project in a certain direction, and we had to make sure that the teams were given enough independence while still ensuring that their data would contribute to the overall project. Furthermore, our main industry contacts (and therefore the people to whom we had to report) were PR and marketing professionals who understood very little about academic research. It has been a separate challenge to try to run a legitimate research project while also fitting into the timescale and budget imposed by our industry collaborators, all while justifying our decisions to people whose background and knowledge of the field is completely different. I might have been in over my head, but luckily some of the core skills of the GEL program taught me how to work with people from diverse backgrounds and internationally. Many GEL ELLs taught me effective communication skills so I could effectively share my ideas with someone of a non-technical background and, similarly, understand their point of view and goals. My GEL InternshipPlus took me to England, where I learned to work with people from a different culture and in a different work environment. Finally, my contacts in the GEL program are a vital and consistent support network for me: I have reached out to the GEL staff for help with my current project even though I have graduated, and their assistance has been invaluable. I can’t really say that any of my academic classes at MIT prepared me for many the challenges I’ve faced since graduating, and with the dynamics of both industry and academia changing rapidly, it’s reasonable to say that you too might be surprised by the things required of you once you leave the relative safety being evaluated based purely on coursework. The value of the GEL program is in preparing you to face those challenges. Not only will you know more what to expect, but you will be prepared and will therefore excel in ways that you never knew you could. I am grateful every day that I had GEL to teach me the things I never would have learned at MIT otherwise, and I know that I will apply many of the lessons I learned in the program throughout my career. I highly encourage all of you to take advantage of one of the best opportunities MIT has to offer. You won’t regret it.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Describe Experience of Time Spent at a Black Church - 1650 Words
Describe Experience of Time Spent at a Black Church (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Instructors Name:Course Number:Date:Experience of time spent at a black churchSpending a day at black church at Charleston African church in America is enough to tell the gravity of racism that still take dominion over these churches. While the majority of people and mostly scholars reinstate that the American religion dates back in 14th and 15th century, being the earliest time when the element of racial identity begun taking roots, it become difficult to establish the interconnection between religious type of worship that the people who were slaves in America Upheld and how it conformed with what the Original American believed. Talking to the congregation of this church before, during and after service poses a serious concern on what the African in the church believe and what they uphold in terms of race and relationship. Therefore, considering the encounter that I had in Charleston African church, I will point out the effect of racism, how I have overcome raci sm and how improvements can be made in terms of racial relationship in America in regard to the experience and response that I gathered from the congregation while I was this church.For instance, while in the church, the way the service was carried out was clear indication on the impact of racism to the congregation. The leaders are always preaching while they relate the preachers summon to the journey that the blacks underwent while serving as slaves under the white rulers. When I ask the leaders why they still relate to the past racial experience, all of them assert that though the blacks have been liberated, there are still more cases of segregation of the blacks not only in the political sphere but also in terms of religion. They claim to take charge of ensuring that every African generation is aware of the suffering that the early Africans were subjected to.Again, in reference to Blokke, he explains the mission of the churches that the significance of historic African American churches was considered in light of the fact that their central role in the community made them a popular target for racial violence (73). Thus the church of Charleston has also suffered the same violence not only once but many times which has increased religious racism. To the responses I received from the congregation, in Charleston black church, I can attest that racism has affected members of not only this church but also other black churches in America ad this is due to the below reason provided by the members I talked; first in their church, the majority of the people champions the africanism only by re-introducing and re-establishing their original form of worship that they believe it suits the African beliefs. This means that if one is not an African, its hard to adapt with numerous cultural beliefs being championed in African churches. Another racism has taken dominance is that in this church, the majority of them still have the same attitude about the whites being boss y and manipulative as it was during slavery period. Again, they confirmed that apart from the Charleston church, many African churches have the overseers or the leaders of the church from the African race, and the majority of people around them are from African racial group which becomes difficult for other races to adapt with such leadership. They also reiterated that the essence of Africans wanting to have their own churches and leadership has in fact widened the racial rift between the them and the whites which in turn has created a sense of hatred between the Africans and the whites, on the other hand, the whites perceive Africans as mare uncivilized people who are illiterate and thats why its difficult to closely relate on the basis of religion.Another effect of racism that the congregation portrayed was the element of segregation which they claim that it was and its still heavily evident in the church and other areas like Louisiana where blacks still want to have their own chu rches where they can carry out their worship and this behavior date back in 19th century where people were to worship in houses for example the house of John G. Lewis that was converted into a parish for worship (Blokke, 62). The element of Africans having their place to sit in the church was evident and the congregation asserted that its a system that has existed for centuries and it has become difficult to change it considering that many African churches could not carry out evangelism without the consent of the whites, besides, organizing seminars and conference on racial lines in the United States and the imbalance of all races in churches has a serious affect to the whites in any black church (Harold, 14). In most cases, for the whites who attend service in this church, they partially participate in the events of the church since they are considered less important which still widen the racial gap. The blacks in the church asserted that they own the church and therefore the white s who attend service have no right participate in the decision making process in the church the way the blacks do.By the look of things, overcoming racism in a black church is one difficult thing. The congregation confirmed that overcoming racial relationship in the church is one of the hardest test in life, for instance, they said that racism has been there since the slavery period in the United State for about the last six centuries and they still live under the second type of slavery which is racism. For instance, they said that living by what people and the country want them to live is what makes them withstand effect of racism. Besides, the segregation of the whites in African churches will still remain; however the whites becoming persistent and trying to adjust with what the blacks implement will help them overcome religious racism.Furthermore, the black congregation asserts that the other way to overcome racism is by showing value for the African cultures and beliefs which w ill compel the Africans to accept other races in their churches when they discovered that the whites have value for their cultures. Another issue that affect how people can overcome racism is the fact that the majority of the black or African race believe that the whites are the most racist both politically and in religion and they attest that the political system in America has compelled them to separate themselves since the whites use the advantage of political power deny them their right hence many have made decisions to worship at their homes and their specific African churches where they can handle their racial specific affairs (Blokke 58-63. However, many blacks are optimistic that despite the fact that there are churches specifically know to be for the Africans and the Whites, the current governments work together with religious leaders to unify the believers and ensure that aspect of African Specific churches and Whites specific churches is eliminated and at the end it will help overcome religious racism.In terms of facilitating improvement in racial relationship, the leaders of the church at Charleston confirm that there is still a lot more to be done. For instance, they said that most of the states in the Southern part of America are dominated by the blacks; hence the churches in this region have the majority of the congregation as Africans. This applies to the northern part of United States where the majority of the people are whites and so the churches are dominated by the whites. In line with religious racism, the leaders said that the churches known to be specifically for whites have recently been in limelight over the issue of gay marriage, polyandry and violation of women sexuality and gender for African women which has heavily been opposed by the Elite African women (Collins 110). They said that the...
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